

Март 2025
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Fatso Schmidt, aka «The Keyboard Cat» has been around long before his Internet fame. It all began at the 1969 Woodstock Music & Arts Fair…. Featuring Never Before Seen Photos of Keyboard Cat & Interviews with Jocko Marcellino of Sha Na Na, Evan Brown of Shaimus & Tay Zonday of, well, Tay Zonday 🙂 SUBSCRIBE: www.youtube.com TWITTER: www.twitter.com For more Sketch Comedy videos, go to: www.totallysketch.com For more Keyboard Cat videos, go to playhimoffkeyboardcat.com Starring Jocko Marcellino Jason Horton www.twitter.com Richard Ryan www.twitter.com Evan Brown Steve Greene Tay Zonday Special Thanks The Keyboard Cat Brad O’Farrell Charlie Schmidt Music Connor Fabiano Cinematography Dave Eaton Director Michael Gallagher ©2009 Totally Sketch, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Pictures and list of all products including my nailpolish can be found on my website: www.misschievous.tv Enter my contest! www.youtube.com Join me on Twitter! twitter.com There’s a GIVEAWAY for a makeup palette currently on my Facebook page! Enter here: www.facebook.com Facebook application: ‪apps.facebook.com Check out travel vlogs and more on my other channel: www.youtube.com OK some people are saying I copied another Youtuber with this video. For the record, I have never heard of this user or her channel nor have I watched the video which I supposedly «copied». I was inspired for this look by a picture I saw on Google from which I derived my look. It’s really annoying how at Halloween time gurus constantly have to defend themselves against «omg you copied so and so». I can imagine that we both used the same inspiration pic as it was a beautiful image. Makeup artists take their ideas from many different sources and adapt it to their own liking. I rarely get inspiration for my looks from other Youtubers and if I do, I say so. People who insist on spreading their hate tirades will be blocked, end of story. Thanks for reading.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Комментарии к записи Keyboard Cat: True Internet Story отключены

www.facebook.com www.twitter.com — Keyboard Cat is the coolest cat in the World! This is the Original video that started it all! Watch more Keyboard Cat videos at www.keyboardcat.net ! Download at iTunes NOW! http BUY COOL KEYBOARD CAT STUFF: www.zazzle.com Cool stuff at: playhimoffkeyboardcat.com www.twitter.com www.keyboardcatchurch.com www.iphonekeyboardcat.com http www.keyboardcatposse.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5