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*please spay or neuter your pets and encourage others to do the same. Help save millions of animals from a precarious existence…peace. For more info, visit VOKRA www.orphankittenrescue.com and Canadian Federation of Humane Societies: cfhs.ca On a whole other note, KMT recommends the film «The Whistleblower» and «Miss Potter».

Комментарии к записи Kitten Massage Therapy отключены

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Features all-new footage and more duets. Better than the original! This is not a trick taught to Nora. She began sitting at the piano at about one-year-old. She’s almost four now. She plays only when the mood strikes her, which is usually several time a times a day for short periods. A 2010 edition DVD of Nora’s YouTube videos in full-size (for the big screen) is now available on Amazon.com at bit.ly All seven of Nora’s videos are included on the DVD, as well as CATcerto by Mindaugas Piecaitis. For more info on Nora: www.norathepianocat.com Please visit http also. © 2007/2009 Yow!/Alexander, Nora The Piano Cat, LLC
Video Rating: 4 / 5