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The Challenge YOU SET IT! Lets Get Top 1st in Music!!! Homies Unite!!! Buy the song here: itunes.apple.com **To those wondering about the tittle of this song, this song was made for my first love she was the one that gave me the nick name SlyFox and her name was Curious Cat, so yes this song is about a us :3** Link To The Band Picture (Your New Wallpaper ;] ) i40.tinypic.com Thanks to Everyone that helped *Soundmine Studio* *Dan & Alec (www.facebook.com *Friends and Family* *And To All The Fans that motivated us to start up again, HOMIES UNITE* Official SlyFoxHound & Homies Shirt Store www.redbubble.com My Twitter: twitter.com My Tumblr: slyfoxhound.tumblr.com My Facebook: tinyurl.com
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