@MrOrdile what if you found out like slug, or evidence or aesop rock was gay, would that really change anything, you’d of liked them till now, so i don’t understand just because of their sexuality they will sound wack :S i am yet to hear any decent gay rappers, but there is a good chance theres a few out ther, but tbh i wouldnt even label them as a gay rapper, no need for it, sexuality has nothing to do with it, there just a rapper
@dat1blakguy I truly think the 2010s are going to go down in history as hip hop’s «renaissance decade,» where we take back the culture from all these multi-platinum, ho-and-bling, PHONY rappers. I also think that the culture will, at very long last, begin respecting women and welcoming gays into its ranks.
Name a gay rapper whos good.
Aes, Slug and Evidence on the same track. Big fan of all 3.
Cats and Dogs — Album of the year! Literally saved 2011.
@MrOrdile what if you found out like slug, or evidence or aesop rock was gay, would that really change anything, you’d of liked them till now, so i don’t understand just because of their sexuality they will sound wack :S i am yet to hear any decent gay rappers, but there is a good chance theres a few out ther, but tbh i wouldnt even label them as a gay rapper, no need for it, sexuality has nothing to do with it, there just a rapper
@willburcc true love his imagery n metaphors
@bringdaruckus123 fuck yeah they should…..
«and i still hit the bong like Evidence»
Best track on an already dope album!
aesop, slug & evidence….my biggest dream made really
@MrOrdile Why do you believe that homosexuality and hip-hop are incompatible?
We’re here, we’re queer, and we love sick beats and flows. Get used to it!
@KarlBonner1982 lol i refuse to listen to a gay rapper i aint a homophobe but that just sounds wack
From a chicken wire frame in a house of wax to a rocket exploding into a cloud of bats…
Fuckin dope
@dat1blakguy I truly think the 2010s are going to go down in history as hip hop’s «renaissance decade,» where we take back the culture from all these multi-platinum, ho-and-bling, PHONY rappers. I also think that the culture will, at very long last, begin respecting women and welcoming gays into its ranks.
Ev and macklemore should do a collab
yeah yeah…fly…
Fuckin Rhymesayers!
This song is nothing else than pure dopeness
<3 Evidence, your the best!!!
@BeckerCousinLove slug is from atmosphere bro so it is him. lol
Real deal right here. ev is killin it with my 2 favorite rappers. thanks rhymesayers can’t wait to hear what’s next
Slash Mike gone but Janet still controlling you. Damn Ev just kills this shit
@BeckerCousinLove thats cuz its him, his names slug tho not atmosphere
@BeckerCousinLove pretty similar style, but no.
@BeckerCousinLove Do you know who slug is?
sounds exactly like atmosphere