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Cat Knocks Monitor on Dude’s Face

Was it an accident or was this cat paying back his owner for not feeding him on time? We may never know.
Who needs a binky when you can suck your thumb? Thanks to: youtube.com/ShuShuAndNina For more funny cats visit icanhascheezburger.com
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jesus christ!!! the TV its ok?
Boom Head-shot!
The only thing I want to know is, why the guy was filming himself working out?
I like how the cat doesn’t even look over when he gets hit. Lol
Cat: That’s what you get for not feeding me, BITCH!!
lmfao it doesnt bother looking at what happened.!
OMG that fucking cat is FAT.!!
#Cat win.!
the cat died right after the viewing of this footage
that cat is awesome! it’s sad what happend to his owner but I still think this wuz funny. #TEAM FAT CAT# YAY!
The cat doesn’t even notice! That’s why I love catz.
In soviet russia, monitor beat you!
I fucking love how the Guitar falls after! It’s like, «And take this bitch! Stop rubbing my strings!»
and there goes the guitar.
That is not a cat. That is a lion.
@MrDistrugator no i think that owner had a great big ‘fuck’ swelling up inside of him that whole day and for the rest of the week as well XD
the road runner woulda been proud of the cat
now thats a «SPLAT» screen tv lmao
cat needs exercise more than the dude does
cat doesnt even care….LMFAO
its garfield!
The cat probably watched the video before this one
And not a single fuck was given that day.
keep smashing the 1 button
Cute I didn’t know cats do it too
it sounds wrong xD
@OnceExisted How is that animal abuse ? Dumbass.
My kitteh does that with her backpaw, it’s really cute
animal abuse!!!!!!1111111
@residentevilnerd I did… it turn out to be a very large cricket beneath my bedroom window
@juliusbelmont100 Same
@residentevilnerd fapfapfapfap
@residentevilnerd scary
nom nom nom
imagine hearing this in the middle of the night
@TheKookyShow98 lmao maybe.
@friskyisfat And they’ve all been gummed off by your nan? =O wow she get’s around
@friskyisfat And they’ve all been gummed off by your nan? =O wow she get’s around
@noobrider100 36 people
i cant help it feeling awkward dunno why..
im on ur desk, sucking my thumbz and stealing your heart
Okay buddy, I believe you. I swear.
lol the EXACTLY same thing happened to my cat watch?v=utygeryxP7E xD
20 people are 29 people
That Sound.. Its so familiar..
No thanks, I have a life.
@friskyisfat Real life, come visit us some day child.