African Cats — Official Trailer [HD]


Release Date: 22 April 2011 Genre: Documentary MPAA Rating: Director: Alastair Fothergill, Keith Scholey Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Plot: A nature documentary centered on two cat families and how they teach their cubs the ways of the wild. Subscribe Now:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 комментариев на “African Cats — Official Trailer [HD]”

  1. SuperKay92:

    CANT WAIT!!!

  2. cg23428:

    how can i find the music by nicholas hooper in this movie? it was all the background music and i can’t find it anywhere since they didn’t even put it in the soundtrack.

  3. TooTurte:

    these comments are rated R

  4. nato2300:

    @HoldYourHeadUpAlex midget porn is good

  5. MrPwnstar007:

    @HoldYourHeadUpAlex thank you for the spoiler asshat

  6. YunGinGilly:

    Cali & his sons are g’s
    See how they were rolling in packs?

  7. HoldYourHeadUpAlex:



  8. ayakowakumi:

    @HoldYourHeadUpAlex lol nice one

  9. ayakowakumi:

    @superrman21 i know right!! through out the whole movie i was crying and felt like i needed to step out. in all seriousness, i’d kill my self to save any animal.

  10. superrman21:

    @gugguj Thank you! I say that all the time. I can handle watching a human being murdered in the movies, but not an animal. I am glad I am not the only person who feels that way. 🙂

  11. gunhter3121:

    Lol I Watched This On Monday at It Was Awesome!

  12. HoldYourHeadUpAlex:


    i pay every month for wild animals to help them.
    I save homeless cats.
    What do you do? faping 24/7 to midget porn ?

  13. nawabmevans:

    @HoldYourHeadUpAlex yeah, but you’re probably not doing anything to save them…
    So congrats… killer

  14. gunhter3121:

    Brilliant idea for film. Online stream at, best website.

  15. HoldYourHeadUpAlex:

    poor cheeath mom she lost 2 cubs :(( she had 5 but end up with 3 🙁

  16. HoldYourHeadUpAlex:


    but i dont kill em i save em big different fuck face.

  17. nawabmevans:

    @HoldYourHeadUpAlex and you’re human.
    Congrats, you’re killing ALL WILD ANIMALS!
    Kill yo self.

  18. naniva213:

    I loved this movie that I saw on It was bittersweet in the fullest sense. NOT a romantic comedy, though it was definitely romantic and comedic at times. A breath of fresh air in the midst of Summer Blockbuster Season.

  19. naniva213:

    great movie for all ages… I saw it with my mom on and eaven her liked it and she’s usualy really demanding when it comes to movies

  20. naniva213:

    I saw this movie last night at look4movie and it was actually the best night ever, and all that for free! It was so easy to watch, the story is totally easygoing and the best one for go away from everything bad that happened to you that day. See it now!

  21. cowgirlzrock56:

    @musicproducer16 I agree when I was a little girl I read this book about cheetahs,and almost all cheetahs are dying and they’re aren’t many cheetahs left.:(

  22. justforVIDEOSqmz:


  23. dima24213:

    Just been to see it on ‘daving info’ and I have to say WOW, what a film!! This story manages to change everything you have seen already. What impressed me the most in this was how slick the film was, the story moves at a fast pace while still managing to conclude all the sub-plots! You got to see this!

  24. HoldYourHeadUpAlex:


  25. musicproducer16:

    @gugguj I think the reason we feel this way is because we as humans are able to take care of ourselves.Of course that don’t go for kids & babies…they as well as animals have to be cared for.With that being said I would like to point out that animals are very independent creatures.They need to be cared for now more than ever cause of what humans are doing to the wild life.We destroy tree’s,take out forest,toxic the air & water.Then they expect the world to be in «tip-top» shape? Give me a break