ITS SOOO CUTE!!! i. just wanna. TICKLE AND SNUGGLE THAT KITTEN FOR THE REST OF MY NATURAL BORN LIFE!!!! tickleticklesnugglesnuggletickleticklesnugglesnuggle
is that strange?
@SSBMsounds I think you’re missing the point, a snake doesn’t haven’t legs so of course it isn’t gonna look cute, but I’m sure if there was a video of a snake sneezing into a mound of flour and it blew into his face we’d all simultaneously go ‘ AWWWW HOW CUTE’
HAHAHA… Silly people fooled by the illusion… If this was a snake, what will you say? «EWWW that’s nasty! How could you play with a snake!?». Guess what? Not only cute puppies and kittens have hearts and needs for love ALL animals do. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing animals getting the attention they deserve, but just because your eyes fool you into think a kitten is cute doesn’t mean you have to turn your nose to the others
hello ! guys or girls , go to my page and leave a comment on one of my videos ! I need to check my notifications on my YouTube . Greatly appreciated , thank you .
This is so cute
i need my manliness back
awww so cute <3
cute explosion!
My brain just exploded because of this cat.
THATSSSS SOOOOO CUTEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ITS SOOO CUTE!!! i. just wanna. TICKLE AND SNUGGLE THAT KITTEN FOR THE REST OF MY NATURAL BORN LIFE!!!! tickleticklesnugglesnuggletickleticklesnugglesnuggle
is that strange?
Yes… but will it blend? :l
@SSBMsounds I think you’re missing the point, a snake doesn’t haven’t legs so of course it isn’t gonna look cute, but I’m sure if there was a video of a snake sneezing into a mound of flour and it blew into his face we’d all simultaneously go ‘ AWWWW HOW CUTE’
This is so sweet! So young and knows how to play along! Great video!
Thumbs up if raywilliamjohnson sent u here.
This is the cutest thing ever I wish my cat did that lol
SO flippin cute
HAHAHA… Silly people fooled by the illusion… If this was a snake, what will you say? «EWWW that’s nasty! How could you play with a snake!?». Guess what? Not only cute puppies and kittens have hearts and needs for love ALL animals do. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing animals getting the attention they deserve, but just because your eyes fool you into think a kitten is cute doesn’t mean you have to turn your nose to the others
That’s sooooooo cute(: iwantt that kitty
=»»» )
sooo cute i just saw this on America’s cute cat
LOL that is so cute… she reminds me of my mates kitten…
hello ! guys or girls , go to my page and leave a comment on one of my videos ! I need to check my notifications on my YouTube . Greatly appreciated , thank you .
@brittroxsox They must be Gingers!
@Equestria thts funny and sooo right!!!!
I love how the bed is scratched all to pieces. lol
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Mine [mr GNASHER ] does exactly the same !!! but not the baseball bit….. [yet!!..]
I had a cat who wasn’t even mine walk ON MY FACE one morning just to wake me up.
oh gosh this is so funny
hahaha wtf?? 28 million lollll
i so freakin called it. i knew he was going to use a bat
:54 WTF
Does any-one have an eraser? There is a little red smudge on the like bar.
my dads cat will knead ur leg or stomach like a weirdo ?_?
I love those little details. When a cat sits there, and suddenly puts its paw on your face FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER.
My cat does that on weekends, and if I pretend to ignore her she just sits on my chest until I can’t breath.
That’s what my cat does, minus the baseball bat, plus a piano
0:42… why does the cat have a platypus tail? lol
Stop at 0:16, loving the cats face:L
you know you’ve been watching too much Higurashi when you see the bat and think he’s going to get murdered.
…lach, dass war ich gestern abend, zum glück hat er mich wach gemacht….hahaha
my cat does the exact same thing with meee! >_<
@13elsyd13 Meow :3
hahahhahahaahahahah i love it! and the others
1,355 people never had a cat. How sad. :c
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