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Ask Jupiter 2 — The Talking Cat is Back

Jupiter, the talking cat is back to answer more of your questions! facebook: facebook.com twitter: twitter.com Thanks once again to snowbirdy6 for supplying video of her awesome kitties Jupiter and Kona: www.youtube.com Theme music: Excerpt from «Maverick» (by me) End theme: Me being silly
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The owner sounds like Mitchell from Modern Family…
Dear Jupiter, which life are you on?
2:10 high five
2:34 i think thats part is rofl worthy
let me drive :))))
0:47 LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just noticed that Falcon Jab is playing in the background at 0:53 SWEET
dear jupiter, are you annoyed
we <3 jupiter
dear jupiter, who is your dream girl (or cat)
dear jupiter do you ever get jealous of kona?
dear jupiter do you like anal ?
@TheGinge1998 lol me too
Wow….echo…cool. Feet.
Hia Jupiter have you ever seen something that wants you to punch kona?
@0.50 wooouuuuu!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!
press 9 for credits
my cat’s name is Jupiter too!!!!!!
«Kona?» «YEAAHH»
I love that part, I don’t know why:L Its just funny to me:)
I <3 This!
Hi Jupiter! What are your feelings for Kona?
Dear Jupiter,
I really like your show! You are so cute!
Here’s my question: If someone lives in an apartment and really wants to get a cat, but the apartment complex doesn’t allow pets, should that person get a cat anyway and just be sneaky about it?
Dear Jupiter,
What would you do if your owner let another cat in the house?