Самые смешные коты и кошки !
Dog vs. Cat vs. Ennio Morricone

Video Rating: 4 / 5
Original Video by gamefreek41795, check out his page here! www.youtube.com Sheet Music Download: www.mediafire.com Nyan Cat on piano… ;U; Old timey Nyan Cat. … We need a sepia-tone version of that .gif with the cat wearing a handlebar mustache, bowler derby and monocle. Wish granted. took fucking forever for some reason OH MY GOD, YOU BEAUTIFUL PERSON, YOU.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Dog:»I’m gonna beat you’r ass you!»
I love how cats like to stalk their target even though they’re seen so openly.
βαζελος μαλλον θα ηταν ο σκυλος
Y’all relized in the beginning it goes so slow
Best and funniest I’ve seen in a long time.
…I’d have dropped myself on the floor laughing if I had been there
Scary cat stare @ 1:17 :-s
It would be good with The Good The Bad And The Ugly theme
dudedudedudedudeduedudedudedude try to find where there is D
The Good The Bad and the Ugly ending.
Fuck cats man. CATS ARE DICKS
SUPER dog = SUPER fail
I knew the dog would bolt. Although cats are easy to surprise, they can be very bloody-minded about getting their will. Even for no reason whatsoever they can make fake attacks in play (they learn if you dislike it though). The dog seemed too much of a «nice fella» and small to turn the situation around, although he made the first move. It’s essentially harmless though.
did the dogs got killed?
If the cat is the good, the dog the bad, then the camera man might be the ugly (with an empty gun if you have seen the movie).
The laughs in this video sound so half-assed it almost kills it for me, the only thing that kept it going was that dog yelping and fleeing.
LOL fail
You see, in this world there’s two kinds of animals, my friend: Those who meow and those who bark. You bark.
@BetaMechaify u mad thumbwhore?
@SonGohanbibi dumb bitch
@BetaMechaify stfu
CAT:-who’s the pussy now hh?…?0_0
What a pussy dog.
and the winner is…..???CAAAAAT I thougt it was the cat suppose to run from dogs
@waterninten Sounds absolutely smashing.
He’s shitting
that cat is dapper as fuck
that’s, like, dappernyan cat.
I say, old bean. This is most exquisite! Makes me want to put down my cane and, dare I say it, have a little shin-dig at the local pub. What say you, gents? Care to join me?
@rmiller415 well yea, thats what i mean, a good, skilled piano player can play this,
but not all us nyan cat fans are expirienced with piano playing :p
@qx4n9e1xp Umm a bass piano? It’s one person playing the high notes with one hand and the low notes with the other hand, it’s pretty common for a good piano player to be able to do. Hell, you’re on youtube, look up some videos of a performer playing classical compositions.
I can now listen
@Darkdead80 cowboys would drink whiskey and dance
Oh and the little hat this is just epic :3
Gotta love that moustache (is it a moustache?)
This video is extremely well made, unlike all the other Nyan Cats…
*gets confused look*
@Darkdead80 yes but if you listen closely, theres a low piano playing, and a higher one, you must really need to have mad skillz if you can have one hand play the main piano part, and the other hand the bass piano
29 people were too poor to afford monocles
you see he is rushing to the bank most be the great depression
And this, my son, is how we won the war.
trun it to 240p to make the video complete
I really like this:)
@SUPERMARIOROCKSYES The town wasn’t big enough for the two of them
Idk if I can even go a minute before closing this….if I could go back in time I would apologize to myself for wasting my time.
Wasted my time
I say!