It’s also the fact that cats have slit pupils, it’s almost reptilian.
3:25 LET’S DROWN HIM!-my thoughts exactly, I HATE cats.
Do you know that Hitler had only one ball?
This is one my favorite Carlin skits. I’m a huge animal lover and I find them all super hilarious, especially cats and dogs. You ever see them interact with eachother? So cute and funny lol.
@WOW9521 She was probably mad you took her fingernails off :/ I love their justifications for that stuff, «Oh it doesn’t hurt them.» bitch please, not having fingernails wouldn’t hurt a human but I sure as hell want them.
@SovietRei If I said something like that my mom would just call me on arguing. «It’s just playing with a mouse.» «Um, I think you mean it’s trying to kill it.»
my cat is like: WTF where are you kitty? as he searches the room lol
my cat likes this video, he even jumped at my phone screen a few times
@oatmealdog I usually use the toaster.
@oatmealdog nice one man
How do I call my cats over to me? Play YouTube videos with nonstop meowing cats. Works every time.
@oatmealdog weird. i use celery
@TeoDucky Because you clicked on it…
It’s probably because you’ve been depriving the cat from somethin!! NOT FUNNY!!!!
I turned this up to freak my cat out: mission accomplished.
I only did this to freak out my cat. x3
hold down 7
Cats purpose in life: Used for comical Humor as we humans torture them hahaha
I bet he sees pot
Bless his heart. My cat Shyla heard him and ran out of the room. She kept saying, «it ain’t mine!»
Press 8 for MEOWRYUKEN!! LOL but anyway, quick question: was Dumpy actually going for the camera, or for the door? Or both? It’s hard to tell.
Awww soo cutee
@thebubblemonster66 holy shit that was funny
awww ♥ so cute!
@oatmealdog LOL, good one! XD
By the way I didn’t mean that in a nasty way, I just meant it to be funny. And that cat is super cute!
@thebubblemonster66 No, I used a potato.
Did you record this with a cucumber?
that is EXACTLY like my cat——the color and meowing—-did you take my cat… o.O
«try to make the window from the lamp» LOL
8 people were attacked by a cute little kitty cat
No one could do it like George, «its just a bunch of shit stickin out his head»
Isnt he a cute little HOLY SHIT HOW’D HE DO THAT!?!?!? hahahahah
this sucks hitlers ball
jk that was funnnny
It’s also the fact that cats have slit pupils, it’s almost reptilian.
3:25 LET’S DROWN HIM!-my thoughts exactly, I HATE cats.
Do you know that Hitler had only one ball?
aaaah ahahahaha….When i was like 5,my dad showed me this,I almost wet myself from laughing so hard
This is one my favorite Carlin skits. I’m a huge animal lover and I find them all super hilarious, especially cats and dogs. You ever see them interact with eachother? So cute and funny lol.
Hey! If I could reach, I’d never leave the house!
7 people pressed the ass button
what’s that? fuck that! not me, im a cat. something break? ask the dog.
I have an idea. Why don’t we give God Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black and anyone else that society seems to hate in exchange for George Carlin?
Seven people own a hamster.
6:06 isnt he a cute little HOLY SHIT!!!!
@WOW9521 well not YOU, it was a freinds cat, but still.
@WOW9521 She was probably mad you took her fingernails off :/ I love their justifications for that stuff, «Oh it doesn’t hurt them.» bitch please, not having fingernails wouldn’t hurt a human but I sure as hell want them.
@SovietRei If I said something like that my mom would just call me on arguing. «It’s just playing with a mouse.» «Um, I think you mean it’s trying to kill it.»
«Aw look, he’s playing with the mouse!»
«BULLSHIT! Mouse doesn’t feel that way!»
F*cking meow!
Thank you George R.I.P
George looks like Jackie Earl Haley here.
«oh, daddy…please daddy…one…more…treat» xD that’s awesome