Самые смешные коты и кошки !
Patriotic cats celebrate the 4th of July

Casey and Sassy are ready for the 4th of July! Post a comment with your thoughts about the USA’s birthday! Send this video to your friends and family! Please subscribe and spread the word!
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ahhh, america. the most beutiful country in the world. (and the most fat too)
bad english, sorry *_*
cat: meow meow i hate you meow meow meow you are such a douchbag for making me sing this meow meow i ca
@MEGAF4IL and one is osama’s dead body
This makes me proud to be an American
@41t3c4n070gYofPhils cats meow thats why he/she said «god bless A- meow-ica
80 people are Terrorists!
meow meow moeeeeooooooow me-ow (the ending
0:46 … hahahah I thought it was a true fireworks but
when 0:51 came I realized that it was only a video on the screen of a laptop
@DAN5675able America sounds like A-meow-ica?
Great job on the vid =)
Kitties your awesome!
77 people have no sense of patriotism. (Or humour)
No matter how many times you play the star spangled banner, I still don’t knwo the words.
So forth of Julyie : )
do it again this year plz? :3
love love love love love! Posted this on my fb page because it’s so darn cute!
their soooooo cute!
why cats are immortally cute
I walk to school and you know how black cats are one of em they fallowed me i luv em so i pick em up thy r soo soft!!
Cats are so friggin cute! especially yours
CAT bless America !
this video was posed just before the day michael jackson died ='(
lol sassy seems to like america
but cassey….