Elaine burrows in snow


Elaine does her best «Bugs Bunny» impression in the snow in the Curllsville Heights!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

My new 6 week old Scottish Fold munchkin kitten, that we actually named Munchkin, but we usually call her Munchie. For some more vids of Munchie check out my channel.

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50 комментариев на “Elaine burrows in snow”

  1. grandmasterauto:

    I r snow kitteh!

  2. BlueDeathBall:


  3. jsireno23:

    oh my — haha this is great

  4. colonelpanic414:

    Every time I hear «oh my» in this video, I think of George Takei.

  5. DerickTheHeroV2:

    *me with shovel shovels snow over cats head*

    thats what u should have done

  6. paulcasd:

    *looks at tail* OMIGOSH! WEND DAT GET THERE!?

  7. oratadin:

    «I’m hiding in your snow, away from my sister.»

  8. ilovecatssomuch1:


  9. honotby:

    62 people are the spawn of satan

  10. SakuraCake100:

    Awww poor kitty epic camo fail

  11. Samafoof:

    Lol camo fail 😛

  12. DanieleZeitvogel:

    I don’t like cats, but I’d take this one any day!

  13. disterdo:

    Owner: How long are you gonna stay in there?

  14. Sergent105:

    How is that cat not cold o.O

  15. arbanaskocudo:

    i knew it, JETI has a pet !

  16. shahar2443:

    LOOOOOL the cat must’ve been so cold

  17. LittleDude1999:

    62 people are allergic to cats

  18. kemenyadi:

    oh maaayy

  19. gargoyle1779:

    That’s just wonderful…!

  20. herekitty07:

    Loved watching this video. Never seen a cat dive into the snow like that and enjoy it so much:)

  21. herekitty07:

    That was hilarious! Looks like never a dull moment with your pets:)

  22. chocolatespazz:

    Burrows!!! Go Canucks!

  23. cocardeux:

    oh maaaayyy…

  24. Japheth19:

    I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque

  25. ShanghaiTigerlily:

    I just adore how cats can so randomly make your jaw drop.

  26. WooItsMel:

    I think this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Ever.

  27. neduxas321:

    awwww his eyes are so beautiful 😉

  28. 1tipper12:

    cute but she’s so small you don’t need to be so ruff

  29. lovetheblood6:

    its kitty amazing :O

  30. UjoFretka:

    no matter what do you watch.. you’ll always end up at the cat videos..

  31. HideousAngel:

    @enyawd1977 My cat cuts me up but I loves him

  32. nymphclover:

    kitty’s thoughts: Die, you insolent fool! DIE!!

  33. 96marcelwilson:

    i can has hand?

  34. 6Black6PhoeniX6:

    Какой зверь страшный ! Да скажи спасибо что ботинок не сожрал!)

  35. MurderousLittleMary:

    how did i get here from minecraft?

  36. sektakfly:


  37. TednTin:

    wow i too want to bit-e it

  38. enyawd1977:

    And you have fun being a downer douchebag the rest of your life. ; )

  39. MrScottishBloke:

    Everything in Scotland is as cute and adorable as that kitten, including the knife wielding jakes..

  40. ThePoisonousTiger74:

    Why do I love kittens so much? Awwww.

  41. ebronator86:

    Good job teaching the kitten that biting is allowed, have fun with the cat when its older and biting ans scratching the shit out of you

  42. LaraLolzSw:


  43. xio2961:

    i want a kitten so bad ! :'(

  44. Applehead9000:

    so cute

  45. Applehead9000:

    meew meeeew!

  46. Applehead9000:

    dear santa,,,

  47. Kyogermaster12345:

    is is sqeaking ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooo cute

  48. Joltiokoncp:

    How long did he stay like that?

  49. SuperNoobdude:

    my little ketten Dizi when we first got her acted just like this, exept she would jump on the screen and hang there, she would also jump up on to the tapestry we have and hang there

  50. goombatroopa1:

    @TheTruthMate All pet cats and any other animal pet are taken away from their moms, and I don’t think he’s necessarily trying to hurt the cat. I think because he’s petting the belly of the cat( which is for some reason if you pet a cat there they attack you) is the reason why the cat is meowing and scratching. I also think that he’s petting the cat in a playful way. Also, I think he’s playing with the cat so the cat will get use to him and the hand that will be feeding him/her.