Самые смешные коты и кошки !
Nyan Cat Rock
UPDATE: Alright people! I’ve finally found the person who drew the picture, find her at: revolveroftheloom.deviantart.com and be sure to give her your love. My mediocre attempt at creating a rock version of Nyan Cat by combining two videos together. Not even sure if you can call it rock anyway… Credits to: — Guitar: 000doragon www.youtube.com & — Drums: DrumsZackDrums www.youtube.com Enjoy (?)
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Download Cat Piano from iTunes: bit.ly Watch Supercats 3: www.youtube.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Rabid Nyan doesn’t take crap from anyone
@felipecam04 LOL U JUST MADE MY DAY 😀
What an awesome fart!
Nyan cat: farting rainbow
Tac nayn: sucking rainbow up it’s ass… damn
@Rewind579 …… =D
bloody poptart 🙁
cocaine brought me here
i can hear the real nyan cat song under the rock music.
Is that nyan cat? Nope chuck testa
XD 2 memes in one comment
don’t shoot at nyan cat
*is disturbed*
@Shoke113Glaytor Oh god!…can someone tell TheL3M0NT34 to make a TacNayn version of this? (probably won’t)…thnx in advance
it on my birthday:P
@rayl27 Now Try Imagining TagNayn.
I would have the same face if i was shooting rainbows out of my ass…
nyan cat has raibes
diahrea cat everybody 🙂
the best nyan cat every lol
Blood! hummm, And it’s outing rainbow of her ass
@TheLegobot It’s Tac Nayn, Nyan Cat backwards
O _O now imagn how tayan cat would look
did he just crap a rainbow…no there just skittles
Pure shit.
1:03 ug a litttle help please?
1:37 my cat does that all the time
0:52 spidercat
I guess cats do like water after all!
i have like 20 cats 12 dogs and lots more im a aniaml person but some of my cats really use the tolet LOLZ!
a-w-e-s-o-m-e video
1:22 my cat does that too!
1:14 — yeah just a bath mum!
1:10 cat myth busted
this one was less of a ‘cool video» and more just a tolerable commercial for a silly app.
no offense i loved the first on but this one didnt make me laugh but i did smile. keep up the good work
the cats awesome are in this video thumbs up if you argee thumbs down if you disargee
DUDE your the best funny movies uploader video ever! I loled to much!
0:01 those eyes….O_O
i lol’d hard @ 1:10 when the cat stticks his head under the faucet
1:31 not a single fuck was given that day.
the cat @ 1:31 was like i didnt do it
oh nonono not again. back to the cat videos again. cant resist..cuteness..
this is it… I spend a evening by watching cat videos again!
thumbs up if you your cat watched this vid with you ~~~
AAAAAAAAAAAWW!!! 1:11 is sooooooooo cute!!!
i could not stop laughing!!! my cat is almost just as insane.