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Katy Perry — California Girls Music Video Spoof (Funny Cats)

I know my singing isn’t the best but I hoped you enjoyed it haha If you liked this then don’t forget to rate, comment and subscribe! ________________________________ Katy Perry — California Girls Music Video Spoof (Funny Cats) lyrics [Verse 1] I know a place Where they post cat videos Funny, cute, and fat There must be something in the milk bowl Tripping over stuff And they like to play with their fur These toys Break, their minds Trying to creep a little sneak peak At you [Chorus] You can travel the internets But nothin’ comes close the the YouTube cats One time I saw them doing This weird stuffed bear YouTube’s really cute cats They’re unforgettable Super nice with little hats on top Don’t stop or else they’ll eat your face YouTube’s really cute cats They’re undeniable Nice dressed ears You got it, don’t stop Ninja cat represent, now take your claws out [Verse 2] Lots of, energy Oh my god, look at all of these cats Neat freak, over here What is this cat doing on the stereo? [Chorus] YouTube’s really cute cats They’re unforgettable What about cats? I kinda forgot Sun-kissed fur, so hot, something about a popsicle YouTube’s really cute cats They’re undeniable Nine fresh lives Sometimes they stand up Ninja cat represent, now take your claws out ________________________________ Second Channel: www.youtube.com Merch: bit.ly Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com wtffilmsftw wtffilmsftw2 wtf films ftw Katy Perry Snoop Dogg katy perry california girls gurls …
Video Rating: 3 / 5
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ok first im a girl on my brothers youtube username. second your cute and this video is funny. you remind me of shane dawson
what the fuck films for the win
mate you got the right user name
ur cute!
lol sumthin bout a popcicle XD
this is so stupid espessily if ypu have cats duh
OMG! Was bist du fürn Noob?
This hurt my ears
ai shen mogityan gamzrdeli
Sub me if you like boobs
emo bieber, smosh copier,crappy voice, two faced son of a cat!
1,900,000 views is awesome!!!!!!
I love your video and yes your voice is beautiful !:-/
0:27 thats a BIG cat…
ich kille dich
du ideot du ideot du bist ein behindertertes huhn du bist ne mist geburt behinderte geht es nicht
hihihi du bist soooooooo grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
ich bring dich um
Du hast nen vollen knall
lol yousuck youtube sticker
I’m a cat, I find this offensive
this hurts my ears and head but its addicting… wat kind of torture is this!!!!!!
@nikinanify How do you know you don’t like it until you watch it first?
type in,,,,, (ceejure),,,,, eminem and lil wayne remix straight killed it!!!!!!
0:54 Shimmy
lol niceeeeee!!!!!