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地震で揺れる猫たち Earthquake shakes Cats

Video Rating: 4 / 5

He’s got over 4.9 million YouTube subscribers … a grand total of 1.4 BILLION video views — and now, Ray William Johnson tells TMZ, there’s an easy formula to his success … involving a megaton of cats.
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the worst RWJ video ever lol
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! borrinnnnqqqqw!….
Pretty modest haha. That’s chill
Go ray
I wanna ride in that truck
that girl is hot
That guy reminds me of Billie Joe Armstrong. So much.
«I helped popularize that» LOLOLOLOLOL cute.
You guys he DID popularize nyan cat…. he is not being a douche
@Knives0094 how exactly did he seem starstuck by them? child stop seeing stuff that just isn’t there.
I ACTUALLY LOVE HIM!!!! In a totally non-gay way
I saw this on TV when it was featured on TMZ, lollll everyone on the show was like, «What? Who’s Ray William Johnson? blahblahblah cats» and moved on within 5 seconds. Literally. This is just the extended version of his interview that no one seemed to care about except the guy holding the camera.
He’s a douche.
little guys big trucks,cracks me up every time lmao
wow…this is really a turning point in media history man…an Internter star is now targeted by paparazzi just like a tv or movie star…well at least I think it’s a memorable moment
@Alanitoo Since he got 1.3 billion views and 3+ million subscribers.
@BritishInvador You need to learn to read carefully. He says he’s never watched a video FROM him. This is a video FROM TMZ about RWJ.
hes really cool with TMZ guys most the time celebs ignore them or wanna fight or dont awnser any question RWJ just awnser everything hes just a normal person with alot money sorda like if u or i won the lottery lol
TO THE PPL WONDERING ABOUT THE CHICK: Her name is Anna Akana and she also has an up- and-coming youtube channel with her best friend… its actually pretty funny Im subscribed to them check it out: YOUTUBE 10secondtraumas, you’ll find it. Oh, and let me get a thumbs up to brag to my friends. lol
ZDZICHU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@dietoolife Again I ask, IS YOU STUPID? He’s famous and makes money from youtube. So what if he doesn’t want to «increase» his fame.
@SsikG I agree, that was pretty rude.