Amusing talking cat, as seen on YBF in the UK. Video Rating: 4 / 5
Didn’t know the cat knew or even hated ’em!
Cool. I know a really cool talking cat that’s a pale yellow siamese mix named Micah who’s huge and will tackle ya that sez I love love love love you.
lol derren brown did a parody of this.
@thecatatemyhomework The cat’s just pissed at the other cat in the video.
so funny is she realy doing that?
@thecatatemyhomework Oh STFU! It’s funny!
@thecatatemyhomework distress nothing he just doesnt like that other cat thats off frame you see if the full video
The cat is in distress. Nothing funny there.
we have to exterminate these creatures before they gain sentience and enslave us.
sounds like some say no no no no to some one
the other cat is like, uhh meow?
The fucking laughing audience ruins the video. T_T
oooooohm nomnom
thats soo funny its just soo cute
i don’t know why i somehow feel sorry for this cat .. it sounds so .. depressed
my cat look like this rip jill
Do you think you’re a worse a cat in our eyes?
This is how asians name their kids.
If you want to earn some money with a Smartphone app, around 5$ a day, even more if you invite your friends, then follow this simple steps:
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Step 3: Use the bonus code ‘rotten’ to get 100 bonus points
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Step 5: If the app works please thumb up so that other people can see this too!
i fuckin hate cats
He’s demonized
remove the retarded crowd who laughs high!
is it real?
The laughing pissed me off.
Didn’t know the cat knew or even hated ’em!
Cool. I know a really cool talking cat that’s a pale yellow siamese mix named Micah who’s huge and will tackle ya that sez I love love love love you.
lol derren brown did a parody of this.
@thecatatemyhomework The cat’s just pissed at the other cat in the video.
so funny is she realy doing that?
Oh STFU! It’s funny!
@thecatatemyhomework distress nothing he just doesnt like that other cat thats off frame you see if the full video
The cat is in distress. Nothing funny there.
we have to exterminate these creatures before they gain sentience and enslave us.
sounds like some say no no no no to some one
the other cat is like, uhh meow?
The fucking laughing audience ruins the video. T_T
oooooohm nomnom
thats soo funny its just soo cute
i don’t know why i somehow feel sorry for this cat .. it sounds so .. depressed
my cat look like this rip jill
Do you think you’re a worse a cat in our eyes?
This is how asians name their kids.
If you want to earn some money with a Smartphone app, around 5$ a day, even more if you invite your friends, then follow this simple steps:
Step 1: Go to the AppStore and search AppRedeem(Android) or AppTrailers(Iphone).
Step 2: Install it and register your account (Note: use same e-mail as PayPal so you can Redeem your money)
Step 3: Use the bonus code ‘rotten’ to get 100 bonus points
Step 4: Earn Money.
Step 5: If the app works please thumb up so that other people can see this too!
i fuckin hate cats
He’s demonized
remove the retarded crowd who laughs high!
is it real?
The laughing pissed me off.