thumbs up if the song the bitch came back brought you here!(by the way, i’m a girl and i find he song amusing. although the girl in the video was being a bitch. just sayin…)
I think I first saw this on Nickelodeon sometime in the early ’80s. I didn’t know the cartoon was Canadian, but stands to reason, as the channel was drawing on a lot of Canadian programming.
this is the same thing as the song the bitch came back, theory of a deadman = total copyright bitches
Haha, just seen this on my ipod through the NFB app, so funny
«But the cat came back…»
I loled hard through the whole thing!
In Warrior Cats the leader always has 9 lives
I love this video. Glad I found it again.
I love this video. Glad I found it on here.
I haven’t seen this video in years! Brings back memories :’)
I saw this toooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember when I used to listen to Trout Fishing sing this song…
@hockeyisfunveryfun shut up retard
anyone notice a similarity between «bitch came back» and «cat came back» look it up
i just waisted 7 minutes and 31 seconds of my life watching this….and i dont even know why i didnt change it from the start. damn.
thumbs up if the song the bitch came back brought you here!(by the way, i’m a girl and i find he song amusing. although the girl in the video was being a bitch. just sayin…)
That the main melody from this short is now part of a hate anthem against women absolutely disgusts me.
4:45 i LOLed so hard i fell out of my chair
Thumbs up if theory of a dead man brought you to this amazing cartoon?(:
I think I first saw this on Nickelodeon sometime in the early ’80s. I didn’t know the cartoon was Canadian, but stands to reason, as the channel was drawing on a lot of Canadian programming.
The B$&@? Came back ooh sorry the cat came back I wonder if the band knew this
Theory of a Deadman brought me here!
they really mean it when they say cats have nine lives
p.s. i feel bad for the poor cat
What the F—*MOO!*
Why didn’t he just de-claw it?
@bigzee2uk I think the name of that show was «Stay Tooned» — that’s where I first watched it, too.
Um…you know your in the wierd part of youtube again when you see the japanese female MacDonalds Ad video in the related videos list
Failbook FTW!