Самые смешные коты и кошки !
Rock of Ages w/ Ze Part 3

Remember to leave a like, or the cats will find you. www.youtube.com Ze and I play this crazy game. Ze’s Channel: www.youtube.com Store page: store.steampowered.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
IS THIS THE WORLD’S CUTEST CAT??? Canyon the Sand Cat is one of the smallest residents at Big Cat Rescue, he’s often mistaken for a domestic cat or kitten by tour guests! Listen to our junior volunteers as they introduce viewers to the cutest cat at BCR!? Want to sponsor Canyon? Please follow this link: store02.prostores.com THANKS! WEBSITE: www.bigcatrescue.org FACEBOOK www.facebook.com GOOGLE+: plus.google.com TWITTER: twitter.com DONATE: www.bigcatrescue.org BIG CAT SHOP: www.bigcatrescue.biz THANKYOU! If you text TIGER to 20222 *A one-time donation of will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from your prepaid balance. Standard messaging/data rates may apply. All charges are billed by and payable to your mobile service provider. Service is available on most carriers. Donations are collected for the benefit of the Big Cat Rescue by the Mobile Giving Foundation and subject to the terms found at www.mobilecommons.com You can unsubscribe at any time by texting STOP to short code 20222; HELP to 20222 for help.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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The long search for 99aHdammit’s comment begins…
i was laughing soooo hard my chest started 2 hurt!!
right when i read the the description my lights went out …
i got so scarred !!!!
@bobotehmonsta same
this is amazing am getting this game
lol the winning music is the same as cod waw xD
@bobotehmonsta So you drink a shitload of beer?
edsfudihfsufdhkofsdfhsdfsdfhdfiefndcurbrujdfhgdruiefdfnfujjendfjhfujrfbheujwebfwuefbeffhisdfibfhasbfbfhbfhfwhef cgedkwjgrfhaLosccv ghzdrdrhyewgdhgjbndfsaeweiohkjfgdfsreuiuknbghjnbhgvyhjn bvcfdsdghjnmb vgdfhbm
Hey guys , for the people who like to play Rock of Ages and can’t pay for it for some reason , I AM DOING A GIVEAWAY of that game. To win you must comment on a video titled Giveaway which will be up tomorrow and be sure to be subscribed
Kootra should have an app for android id use it
ITS OVER 08:34!!!
i miss the old lbp 2 D:
oh well its funny !
@ITsMikey97 ok
it think that motorcycle add was the longest add i fully wached,and i liked it =P
I get excited over this like some people get excited over football…
i peed a little
when kootra lost the five i lost my shit
@99aHdammit I see what you did there
@The12Fooz thats what she said
@theghillykidhacker thaths what she said
awwww monica wants to play
Io sono italiano.(I’m Italian)
@GregoryVideogames no
rolling in the deep,
SOOOO FLUFFY! i want it :3
Is that a real sheep, or is it really a cat?
They are such an adorable breed! :D
had tears in my eyes watching this
re pallas cat i mean another toy — not a real one.
I did find one plush toy sand cat thru a goggle search but didn’t care for the design which was exaggerated. I’d want a toy that was shaped like a real sand cat. it would also be nice to have a life size realistic pallas cat in winter phase with the long fur.
Absolutly beautiful.
1 Person got attacked by a sand cat…
@sworddice No, wild species of cats will never be tamed and will never make good «Pets» They may tolerate us but their wild instincts will always remain.
can they be tamed to be domestic pet
cutest animal in the world besides pugs ^3^
Hmmm… I honestly thought sandcats were able to be domesticated but I ended up doing a bit of research…
Interesting information out there.
Check out my video upload of my cat
Canyon has one massive ego. =.=
cats… they all look cute somehow. but in the end — they are merciless killers. you gotta love these creatures (:
@Frangm18 Canyon had an ingrown nail, probably just to help prevent that from happening again.
So cute…
@apharot Another good question, the answer is now we have older cats that live alone that are unfixed, obviously all couples are fixed to prevent them from breeding but the older cats that are intact may stay that way, this is because it really isn’t worth the risk to put them through the procedure at and advanced age
So is Canyon the only non-spayed or neutered big cat on your premises then since he’s part of a genetic backup?
What happened to the kits who were shipped with him ?
I love him!
whyyy WHHYY do you cut tjeir claws???
This is a pretty small cat I have 2 cats and there both around 13-15lbs and there not over weight.