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Gravity Defying Cat — The Slow Mo Guys

Gav bribes Lloyd the cat with some ham so she performs the famous cat double-jump in super slow motion. Shot at 2500 frames per second. (100 times slower) Be sure to check out the channel for other slow mo videos!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A short film
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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@007marioboy It aint a cat, Its spider man
Cats are supernatural.
1:38 hang in there kitty…
just by looking at this vid, i realize how beautiful, powerful and gentle these cats are. I am a dog fan but cats are now starting to compete with my mind to have one along with my puppies!!!
like a boss
Prince of persia, the jam on the wall
at @1:45 I thought it’s going to fall down XD
I wanna be a cat
Did anyone notice someone’s head pop out from behind the wall at 0:37 ? Freaked the shit out of me…
Cats are the ninjas of the animal kingdom.
Cats are frickin springs..
spider cat spider cat does whatever a spider cat does…..
gravity cat not amused
to slow for me
85 dogs disklike this video :s
Wall jump!
that cat should go on ninja warrior
Purrrrkour :)
That’s how parkour started
Catsassans creed.
mute the video, an play souja boy at the same time as teh cats running up the fence in slow mo
85 people suck monkey bum lol
this is what i call parkour!
i can do that too =) i think im a cat =)
Can anyone else agree old cartoons were good? I and geez, and if this were real life and someone walked in on the professor they’d say
«Who the hell are you talking to?»
@1390MUSIC Yeah. NC didn’t do any research past knowing Felix was from the silent era. Don’t get me wrong, the movie was bad- I explained it to a freind of mine as «Felix goes to Sonic 06» in that you have a character whos simple and cheerful like Felix in a world where everythings dark and moody and doesn’t match the characters original cartoons… but he didn’t even know the characters.
Man, Dexter’s Laboratory took a lot from that scientist.
Gay, and carefree. The ROFL!! THATS JUST SO FUNNY! It sounds the other way, ahhh but I think know back then it meant happy
This is interesting, but I like the 1920’s version of Felix better. Back then he didn’t need a bag of tricks to figure things out. He could do it on his own.
I watch this when i was 4 and i didnt see it since
Thanks for posting this I love Felix!
Felix was the first television star ever! It was his image rotating on a turn table that was first beamed to a television monitor in 1929!
I remember watching this in the suburbs of Los Angles, Inglewood when I was a child in the early 60’s WOW
i remember watching this when i was a kid in Italy, back in the early 90s, I never knew why i liked this show but ive never forgotten it.
Back when people could use the word «gay» without it meaning homosexual.
Laughed my ass of when thay said «gay»
Why would the professor invent a machine like the one seen at the end? And why would he keep using it on himself? No wonder Felix always outsmarts him…
@hollowcaustic im pretty sure everything out of that bag got Luis V all over it lol
Felix isnt fking around, he got that Luis Vuitton bag….
@well what if gays stole the word Muppet?
I first heard about felix the cat because I had a sweater with him on it when I was a kid. then my sister lost it
but felix the cat was my imaginary friend for my entire childhood!
@BlackStringedWolf don’t you hate how homo’s steal all the good words.
Love how Felix is all like «I don’t care about your Reducing Ray!»
I wouldn’t mind having a bag like that of my own.
Who the fuck let the Cat out of the Bag >:O
4:50- 4:53 awww almost forget how cute felix is
Obviously, Nostalgia Critic has never watched the cartoons, because if he did, he would know how the magic bag came to be.