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Kitten Versus the Toy

The kitten’s favourite toy is this tunnel ball thingy — don’t know the name of the toy. He forever tries to get those balls out without any success. Miracle was being lazy watching and the kitten’s tail was a little intriguing to him. Music: Exciting Trailer, Kevin MacLeod, incompetech.com
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I had alot a pets but no matter how much i ask my parents to get me a kitty they say no cuz mom is alergaic soooooo yeaaaa
note:srry if i suck at spelling
i lost 2.3 ounces why cant i fit?
Cute kitty….
@ArtAffliction099 …..rlly?I think u need to shut up and why did u post a hateful comment and…..karma will strike you back have a NICE day
oh, jeez, i feel sorry for the kitten… that looks so frustrating!!!!
The cake is a lie, little kitteh!
Bless this gorgeous kitty, I want one, lol!!!
Cute and FLUFFY!!!
Lol I love how the big cat was playing with its tail. xD xD
LOL my cat played with his once and gave up never to touch it again
I started watching cat videos to cheer up but they’re only making me want to cry more! D`:
What an adorable baby!
Kitten is very cute!
All of your kittens are adorable. Thanks for the videos. They are great !!!
It’s…shaped like a Rondo Ball…
@LittoBUbbo I so agree! I have an examn on friday, but my concentration is just gone. Though, here is where I found it present. x)
Balls to YOU!
this is so cute and funny
Best YouTube video I’ve ever seen
P.s the background music was perfect for this video. SOOO CUTE
Sharon, i have sat up for 3 hours now watching your videos. I am very greatful for what you do for these kittens and i would like you too keep it up for the rest of your life. K THANKS BYE
That cat is having the longest «What the fuck?» moment I’ve ever seen : )
Is there anything as cute, I don’t think so!