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Talking Kitty Cat — Wake Up Kitty 11

Sylvester (The talking Kitty Cat) and Gibson (Half kitten half cat) seem to be getting on each other’s nerves, while Shelby (The dog) is just in the way. In this episode, we learn that Todd’s identity is close to being revealed. Flaggle Claggle by Stevecash83
Watch this video on my site www.lisae.me.uk for product links, tips and more info. This is the look I did for Una Healy from the girl band ‘The Saturdays’ for their Glamour Magazine shoot. After posting all five images of the girls on my blog I had a ton of requests from readers asking me to re-create their favourite make-up look. A week ago I added up the votes and, although it was very close, Una’s look pipped the others to the post. As well as demonstrating my way of drawing on a perfect winged liquid liner there are also lots of tips on achieving a gorgeous clean base and glowy skin. To see all five looks, check out my blog. Hope you like this look X
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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i like the video when shelby said «sylvester taste like tuna fish» :3
i love sylvester
<3 gibson <3 sylvester <3 shelby
0:20 Gibson wins
@jakeyninja me too i almost threw up man
pawsitive xD
0:06 to 0:27
Maybe Gibson just saw Tiwlight and is trying to be vampire…….
aww sylvester only uses like 1-3 silibles
The cool thing about your kitty videos is not just your incredible timing, it’s (the presumed fact) that whatever your cat’s are «saying» in your videos is, likely, really close to what they’re actually thinking at the time that you record them.
Keep pumping these videos out and, also, consider moving your family to my neck of the woods so that you can actually make some decent coin in this field of expertise which you, obviously, have a firm handle on!
gibson looks like my kitty, lol
bad top comments hmm . . . this is good gibson
selvester’s first owner
lol? whos todd?!
who is TOOD
soooo funny
help!!!………todd… gibson the kitten is sooo cute!
Gibson: Heellp!
Steve: Yuh dont need help gibson!
Gibson: Todd??
Steve: im not Todd Gibson we’ve been over this!
Lol todd?? ha ha
@SillyLitleGirl lol
A funny, hot guy who loves cats. Uhhhh…yeah, marry me?
gibson said stop his third word!
0:52 epic
Im LOVING the make-up on you Lisa!! Its so gorgeous and fresh!
I would love to have lots of freckles on my face. Maybe then my acne would be camouflaged.
chick is gorgeous:)
ı lıked soo muchh:)
wow this girl is GORGEOUS! Love this tutorial! <3
she is a goddess!
wow she’s beautiful
awwww she is sooo grorgeous! wow
That model has the most amazing eyelashes!
wow shes just amazing looking
Just amazing!
well, i doubted the look at first. she was beautiful without makeup. and i thought this was going to turn out aweful, but she looks gorgeous!! job well done!
She has such a unique beauty
Good Lord! I love Lisa and her knowledge is so extensive, but I must admit I have no clue what she said in this video. I was WAY too busy staring at the Goddess in the chair! *slaps my own face* she is so beautiful that she looks surreal!
Is it just me, or are the model’s eyelids naturally pigmented?
Lisa, this model is the most gorgeous out of all the models you’ve used.. naturally beautiful
the eyeliner is PERFECT!! wow. envious.
ah im like the same mix as her — spanish, english and barbadian… thats the only differents!
@jangzaazz she has hazel eyes. See 6:58…
wow what a strong jawline!
Very wonderful tutorial! Thanks for posting this! And the model is absolutely gorgeous. I love her freckles and eyes and her mixture of nationalities is so cool. <3
She is so beautiful.
She is gorgeous