I was being sexist BEFORE someone replied to my comment, so your second accusation is retarded.
I am telling it how it is. You are deluding yourself if you believe men and women are equal in any way. It’s why we separate men and women in sports. It’s why 99% of things are invented by men.
Sure, there are SOME smart or talented women that are admirable. But most of them are complete idiots.
No, you came from the last video which had two women (which you came from Reddit) and now you’re under that impression because you’ve watched the two video’s where Drew picked out women.
@TrippleUnderscore because they HAVE LIVES… lol
anyone else notice Ed from mock the week on the far left at 0:01
FACT: it’s funnier when the sound effects are bad.
@ItsBeckhamBitch No, its the person who picked the ladies-who sucks……Damn he sucks in picking, would he ever picked a male….
these ladies suck
@TrippleUnderscore except; uhhhhhhhhhh yessssssss uhhhhhhhhhh
let me shoot my gun …. shhhhhhh
let me open this door…. shhhhh
lets go skiing,… shhhhhh
hey be quiet….errrpppppppp
@Ilikemustard Y’all niggas replying to a troll post
But seriously, although I agree with what you say, ‘butthurt’ gave you away. 3/10
I was being sexist BEFORE someone replied to my comment, so your second accusation is retarded.
I am telling it how it is. You are deluding yourself if you believe men and women are equal in any way. It’s why we separate men and women in sports. It’s why 99% of things are invented by men.
Sure, there are SOME smart or talented women that are admirable. But most of them are complete idiots.
I’m heterosexual.
@Ilikemustard why are you being so sexist? are you gay?
or you’re just happy somebody reply to your comments, because you are that pathetic?
@Ilikemustard Up yours queer.
a) You don’t know what my relationship status is
b) You’re hurt because I made fun of women
Pretty simple
@Ilikemustard Why would I be hurt? I’m not the one who’s single..
Butthurt woman is butthurt
@Ilikemustard This is why you’ll end up alone.
Incredibly rarely
@Ilikemustard watch the other episodes dude…he picked guys as well. And they ridicule them equally.
@Ilikemustard watch the other episodes dude…he picked guys as well. And they ridicule them equally.
They pick women because women are useless at everything and their uselessness is the subject of humour in this game
no coincedence they always pick women to do sounds..
Haha yeh they only pick girls, I was just trying some mind-fuck shit; carry on!
@chessonmyshirt Orrr no and i just love the show.
No, you came from the last video which had two women (which you came from Reddit) and now you’re under that impression because you’ve watched the two video’s where Drew picked out women.