this was my fav show when i was little. Then they stoped playing it along with zabomafo.thank goodnes for youtube (my backup plan if someone cancels a show)
god, the magistrate’s wife is so annoying. i always hated that bitch. it’s funny how she talks about making up new rules so they can fine people and have more superficial shit though, because that’s exactly how our government works.
I miss this show this was when pbs was fun it still helped us lirn but was fun! Now it 2 vay vary 2 pc come on realy I saw the cat n the hat and the boy is back and his sis is wight. Donot get me wrong i like fam like that yet it make me crazy! I am a adult and yes I 5 @ hear I sill wach disney and pbs kids ok! but all I wach is the 4 good shows arther & sesame st & feach & word word & martha! sprot I wach cailou and kipper the paja r cute also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used to watch this when I was little…
omg i luv this soo much when i was a little younger!!! i’ve been looking for this for a long time!!! FINALLY!!!
There is a glitch in the show where baba’s face is colored when in the past it was not supposed to be. Note in 08:32.
@xRidingxIsxLifexxx dangwa** fail lol
oh my god…jet jet is DW from arther O.O my mind has been blown
Awww man, i remeber this show
i miss these good old cartoons
Awww the old shows are the best..!
this was my fav show when i was little. Then they stoped playing it along with zabomafo.thank goodnes for youtube (my backup plan if someone cancels a show)
Jet Jet is mean
And that folks, is why China is my favorite country in the world.
I remember when I used to watch this darn PBS never puts it on anymore
d’awww<33 i rememberrr this :') i miss it
So many memories love you pbs :»)
AH the memories T.T i loved this show.
Father sounds like Mr. Ratburn from Arthur.
Dongwa sounds a bit like Boots the monkey.
I forgot how much I missed this show until I heard the opening song. ;A;
god, the magistrate’s wife is so annoying. i always hated that bitch. it’s funny how she talks about making up new rules so they can fine people and have more superficial shit though, because that’s exactly how our government works.
@kyussfan6 O_O you have a tail??
@qx4n9e1xp ……no
@ProdigiousHdawg The father cat is Mr. Ratburn I believe as well
I wish my tail could paint
I miss this show this was when pbs was fun it still helped us lirn but was fun! Now it 2 vay vary 2 pc come on realy I saw the cat n the hat and the boy is back and his sis is wight. Donot get me wrong i like fam like that yet it make me crazy! I am a adult and yes I 5 @ hear I sill wach disney and pbs kids ok! but all I wach is the 4 good shows arther & sesame st & feach & word word & martha! sprot I wach cailou and kipper the paja r cute also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!