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The Daily Songer — The Funny Rats (Song #5)

LIKE Favorite, thumbs up! It helps me a lot! The Daily Songer #5 I told Lane I’d make him a song for his channel and so here it is! I know you’ll enjoy it Lane! Go subscribe to him youtube.com youtube.com The Funny Rats By Dan Tulloh (c) 2011 Lyrics you’ll see cats And dogs and bags and food and mail and personal hygiene Technology so many things to see and don’t forget the baby! the funny rats the funny rats the funny rats The Social Links: • YouTube youtube.com • Twitter twitter.com • Facebook facebook.com • Google Plus plus.ly. • Dailybooth dailybooth.com
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Love the theme song!
I assume this message is to Lane and family. I actually just wrote a theme song for The Funny Rats.
Love you guys!
Very cool!
This is the first theme song I’m really happy with! I think I enjoy it much more when there is also video involved!
You nailed it!
cool I and my nose made it in
That they are.
haha, I shouldn’t try to do that all in one day. I’ll give it a few.
send me a YouTube message we can discuss it more there.
Thansk man.
sweet tune, great job Dan!
Well Well Well good friend I must say that you and me are alike and I love it we LET OURSELVES GO> Love it I want more Dan more. I think you know your next song…hint hint..
man those rats are funny
Could you make a theme song for my channel? I’d love to have some kind of short intro song like this but I don’t have any musical talent.
Well ok then!
Well, I believe this is relevant to my tastes.