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Farcry 2 w/ Kootra Ep. 2 «Safe House»

Remember to send over a like and such, it helps the cats hunting for the Jackal…..he is clever. Here I am playing through Farcry 2 in preparation for Farcry 3. I have played through this game at least 10 times on xbox, including Infamous difficulty. So this should be good.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Remember to send over a like and such, it helps the cats hunting for the Jackal…..he is clever. Here I am playing through Farcry 2 in preparation for Farcry 3. I have played through this game at least 10 times on xbox, including Infamous difficulty. So this should be good.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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… WOW Dumb-ass much?
hur hur, Koots said cock…
I’m not the only one who watches a lot of these creature things to see what games are worth playing right (also I only have a PC so since most of the games they play are PC).
I love this game i wish there were autosave
I didn’t manage to escape or anything but I did kill allot of the opposite faction and ended up starting with the APR.
Who’s the good guys and who’s the bad guys.
your wrong the bullet is made out of led but even taking out the bullet it still doesn’t help most of the time you cant take the bullet out just let it grow over it
-_- A cock is a male chicken.
Fun Fact!
Weather you (almost) die,or escape,determines your story arc.It doesn’t change much,just weather you work for (SEMI-SPOILERS)
The UFLL or APR in the 2nd act.
Yes, you should try it!
a flamethrower?! all i got was an rpg!
i would do a night mition at 11:00 at night
kootra said oh shit at 0:44
They’re running cockfights, and not talking about the type with roosters, either!
one does not simply choose a favorite creature
I have the game in french and people don’t speak that fast
who else thought kootra said oh shit :44
«and then they take you into a black tinted windowed van and they….do stuff»
when he said do a little sneaky sneaky, it reminded me of another youtuber who played this game and he would say sneaky sneaky.
@9.54 The S is cut off in slaughter so it looks like Laughter house hur hur
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wouldn’t the pump silencer be better in both stealth and in general combat, because its pump action.
kootra can u play toy soldiers pc version with an other creatures if you can? :3
can barley see when it is night time in the game.
4:02 OMG he had a spaz!
They’re the largest or almost largest company in the diamond industry. So big that if they thought you were even a MINOR threat to their profits, they would flood the markets with their diamonds, lowering the price drastically so you wouldn’t be able to sell for a profit. THAT is how big they are.
Do a Just Cause 2 and a Mercenaries 1 playthrough!
ugh i hate 10:14
not really, sorry for my stupidity in the subject
Thank you!
WOW!! Thanks for taking the time to comment! I know you must have thousands of these things to look at. You made my day Kootra!
I must be totally opposite because I am hardly ever serious! I mean, I have to look at myself in the mirror every morning so I am used to laughing! 🙂
Thank you, I appreciate that. 🙂
I’m 42. In other words, I’m an «OLD FART» I guess. But you can have fun at my age too, just have to pace myself. ;D
Ya, most would agree with you that know me. 😉
A person who would want to be top comment most likely…
People should stop marking random comments as spam, if they are relevant to kootra or the video, then it’s not spam. Just because you don’t like the comment doesn’t make it spam kids.
half of the stuff that koots says tat he thinks is Irish is actually Scottish….. ill take it.
who the hell would spam your comment?
ever heard of de beers?
who knew diamonds were so common in Africa
that is one high tech map made out of paper
kootra you should play just cause2
this game is so awsome, when I got it back 2 days ago I played it so much that i have it done 58% in 16 hours maybe
Kootras logic: Long range? Double Barrel all the wayyyyyy
Short Range? Snip-er.
Josip died for me on this mission