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Have a pet. Be a pet. Learn more about the upcoming release of The Sims 3 Pets as our producers walk you through how you can play both ways. Life is better with Pets! Coming to PC Expansion Pack, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Nintendo 3DS on October 18, 2011.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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48 комментариев на “CHILLIN”

  1. Twighlight21fan:


  2. rachelxvanilla:

    Nylah’s paws r REALLY BLACK!

  3. Josiah Caulfield:

    thumbs up for CANADA dry in the United States

  4. wolfarmy2525:

    Oh my god that guy was like 60 and you were trying to get him to say dope freshnessNhahahagagaga

  5. Acj991999:

    shes a nurse

  6. MrThemototo:

    God damn I love nylah!!

  7. TriLucy22:

    watching your vlogs make me hungry

  8. kae wood:

    she is a nurse

  9. WarMo05e5:

    like this is you clicked on this cuz you saw there cay. :D

  10. BLeSSeDoGkUSH420:

    lol i hate when people spell her name wrong like jenna or jina gina ect ect

  11. XXTati8XX:


  12. XXTati8XX:

    -.- racism…………. jk XD

  13. shanteeijbog97ja:

    Grasp your chance to have a iphone4! X71

  14. blueblaiz1:

    yup in south africa we got gas boys too

  15. blueblaiz1:

    the anylahator

  16. TrashCrash11:

    She’s a nurse.

  17. crazy10bears:

    turned off after1 minute due to lack of kitty

  18. MisterHardScoper:

    she works as a full time Jeana

  19. shallowscorpionking:

    how long was Nylah gone?

  20. ElemenT574:

    It was posted 14th January now’s February.

  21. MsSupercousins:

    Hey guys just to let you know it’s only the eleventh how was yur vid posted on the 14th

  22. MrSchiefs58:

    is this PvP

  23. Markalarkus16:

    jesse sounded just like scarface haha

  24. XboxPwnage1:

    5:10 — 5:15 i wish he said more

  25. rarimadinosowr:

    Why isnt there any horses on the xbox?

  26. Hatafuriyamanokaiju:

    I feel slightly nerdier from watching this…

  27. ShiroiBara4:

    If I got this game I’d want to create the first horse I ever had.
    His name was Peter 🙂

  28. jim albuntu:

    i love sims 3 pets

  29. jim albuntu:


  30. jim albuntu:


  31. james17498:

    I love the sims 3 pets

  32. supernoah1997:

    You know.. If the producers play the Sims it looks al so perfect, but when I do… ;S

  33. Cocoalisius:

    For the little pets- where can I get a critter cage? How do i commaned my cats to get a special type of animal?
    I have sims 3 pets for 3DS!

  34. djmollz:

    @ScreamingPain19 Lol that only happens to you. It works fine for everyone else

  35. welshteg:

    *Sees unicorn* *mouth drops*

  36. 11klee:

    one of the people looks like that Nora derschlit girl from I Carly

  37. AnnaaBananaaaa:

    I wasn’t that bothered about this expansion untill I saw this, now I really want to play. :L

  38. XxtermimatorxX:

    Its way different on 3ds :/

  39. Breyerbabe1999:

    i dont know why they didnt make horses for xbox 360??!!

  40. TheDonsketch:

    lol you’re right

  41. TheDonsketch:

    That producer looks a little too happy…

  42. ScreamingPain19:

    PC is the computer version. But dont do anything with the horses it will freeze your game and you cant do anything. Not fun at all…

  43. kotakoti1203:

    i reallyyyy want this game i want the sims 3 and the sims pet and i will just ask my mom if she can buy it becuz i love the sims 333333:

  44. ShadowGhost777:

    No horses for console? why guys why that kinda stinks and i wasnt even going to raise a horse.

  45. SuperLunaRocks:

    Wait…no horses for Mac? :O

  46. TheDonkeyKlaw:

    If only they made it so the launcher would actually start. EA need to get their priorities right.

  47. MW3MinecraftMore13:

    i love the sims but see if you can answer these questions:::
    why is every expansion pack on the pc?
    why cant you have horses on the sims 3 pets on the xbox 360?
    why do you get better obkects and clothes on the pc than the xbox 360?

    if you can but every expansion poack on the sims 3 for the xbox 360 then that will be so awsome and i think that more people will then buy this product!!

    Also if you put the same things on the sims 3 on the xbox 360, pc and any other console then that would be cool

  48. theanimallover29:

    wouldnt it be awesome if you were a sims 3 producer.. :3