And the black cat looks like one of them too!
if your talking about the kid your a pervert
if there is anything cuter than that - please tell me
They are crying because they are in a 2 inch ledge, I doubt it’s because of the piano at all.
@adventseph Exactly.
My cat does exactly the same thing whenever I start to play the piano, lol.
У вас котят не было никогда, вот и несете ересь. Они еще не там сидеть могут. Забавные создания)
Cats only get audible to speak to us since they come to realize that we don’t have their sense of smell.
They’re telling her to stop with the loud sounds. I can tell because even my ears are hurting.
It`s don`t Chorus. It`s SOS for Help=D
Мамку зовут =,(
AWWWW !! You have got to be Kidding .. That is Just TOO Cute !! Thanks for the Great Vid !!
Lol aristocats. «You must learn your scales… And your ar-peeeeeee-ggios!»
this reminds me of harvest moon when you go in the mansion.
THe aristocats!
а если крышка упадёт?
Да она им просто крышкой хвосты прищемила. Иначе сидели бы они там, как же!!!!!!!
Really cute kitty cats and a cute human kitten too. Cute video
Kocia muzyka:)
Они, наверное, оглохли!
она не закроется так
das ist ja süss ^^
tht’s so cute
And the black cat looks like one of them too!
if your talking about the kid your a pervert
if there is anything cuter than that - please tell me
They are crying because they are in a 2 inch ledge, I doubt it’s because of the piano at all.
@adventseph Exactly.
My cat does exactly the same thing whenever I start to play the piano, lol.
У вас котят не было никогда, вот и несете ересь. Они еще не там сидеть могут. Забавные создания)
Cats only get audible to speak to us since they come to realize that we don’t have their sense of smell.
They’re telling her to stop with the loud sounds. I can tell because even my ears are hurting.
It`s don`t Chorus. It`s SOS for Help=D
Мамку зовут =,(
AWWWW !! You have got to be Kidding ..
That is Just TOO Cute !!
Thanks for the Great Vid !!
Lol aristocats.
«You must learn your scales…
And your ar-peeeeeee-ggios!»
this reminds me of harvest moon when you go in the mansion.
THe aristocats!
а если крышка упадёт?
Да она им просто крышкой хвосты прищемила. Иначе сидели бы они там, как же!!!!!!!
Really cute kitty cats and a cute human kitten too. Cute video
Kocia muzyka:)
Они, наверное, оглохли!
она не закроется так
das ist ja süss ^^
tht’s so cute