Chorus of Kittens (Хор Котят)


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25 комментариев на “Chorus of Kittens (Хор Котят)”

  1. Aaztha:

    And the black cat looks like one of them too!

  2. themastercheif2989:

    if your talking about the kid your a pervert

  3. wolfpackFTW17:


  4. SunEssenceGOLD:

    if there is anything cuter than that - please tell me

  5. raylinfuller:

    They are crying because they are in a 2 inch ledge, I doubt it’s because of the piano at all.

  6. redhawk9272:


  7. kennybot312:

    @adventseph Exactly.

  8. CrazyTreehuggingElf:

    My cat does exactly the same thing whenever I start to play the piano, lol.

  9. Dream2ma:

    У вас котят не было никогда, вот и несете ересь. Они еще не там сидеть могут. Забавные создания)

  10. adventseph:

    Cats only get audible to speak to us since they come to realize that we don’t have their sense of smell.

    They’re telling her to stop with the loud sounds. I can tell because even my ears are hurting.

  11. cartoonnetwork35:

    It`s don`t Chorus. It`s SOS for Help=D

  12. VikoAyanami:

    Мамку зовут =,(

  13. MrBOB39:

    AWWWW !! You have got to be Kidding ..
    That is Just TOO Cute !!
    Thanks for the Great Vid !!

  14. Cunanawr:

    Lol aristocats.
    «You must learn your scales…
    And your ar-peeeeeee-ggios!»

  15. chrissyrox2011:

    this reminds me of harvest moon when you go in the mansion.

  16. 0123RuTHY:

    THe aristocats!

  17. hellokittyislovexDD:

    а если крышка упадёт?

  18. MsMidwintertears:

    Да она им просто крышкой хвосты прищемила. Иначе сидели бы они там, как же!!!!!!!

  19. leizuoer:

    Really cute kitty cats and a cute human kitten too. Cute video 🙂

  20. rotanisme:

    Kocia muzyka:)

  21. Chelios47Mr:

    НЯЯЯ =3

  22. Yzmatheque:

    Они, наверное, оглохли!

  23. mahkagemini:

    она не закроется так

  24. SuperMonti87:

    das ist ja süss ^^

  25. felicianovargas93:

    tht’s so cute