
Ninja Kitty- Follow us on Twitter: Facebook: Jesse’s Google + T-shirts Download end song: Our Mailing address: PrankvsPrank PO Box 2106 Voorhees, NJ 08043

Totally evil cats… are not cool. More Super Duper Stuff: Download our iPhone/iPod App here:
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50 комментариев на “KITTEN SWAG”

  1. iARELiLY:

    aw i havent watched you guys in a good month or so and nylah got bigger !

  2. XxSlimyJimxX:


  3. karenbee1996:

    Im not even gonna…. GET OUTTTA HERE SANN!

  4. IceRoyel:

    U guys should have a game night or something

  5. dwains1girl:

    Jeana……I am proud of u for not letting Nylah eat bugs. I am a Vet Tech and cats get tapeworms from eating some bugs, so you are being a good mommy!! So Peace on the streets to Jeana SAAAN!!!

  6. LoccLoonyGleek:

    Stfu. Both of them are awesome. so therefore ur argument is invalid.

  7. MsLucy3345:

    PVP Is Dee Bommb Hahaa NikitaBanana88 Is Just Stupid !!

  8. CAJJ2011:


  9. Bunbunmarshsqashy:

    I luv ur cat shes sooo adorable

  10. Bunbunmarshsqashy:

    U have a play list shirtttt luckyyy i want 1 o: im jelly like jelly toast

  11. 16hbm:

    just love the way jesse says ,..PROTEIN SHAKE SAAAAAN  =)) HAHA !

  12. 16hbm:

    Bitch you get NO LOVE !! x)

  13. StarJLopez:


  14. styler564:

    THE CAT IS SO FUCKING CUTE *________* <3

  15. BritishLevel:

    Hey guys! Come and check us out!
    We’ve been making funny and dareing videos!
    Our latest one is A SHOT OF POISON! One of us gets taken to HOSPITAL!
    Come and join us! Thanks so much for reading! x

  16. bigpimpinCBP:

    LMAO are you seriously serious?

  17. DarkZinXx:

    Yea I needs it

  18. DarkZinXx:

    NYLA IS SOO F******* CUTE

  19. ShadowKunaiStorm:

    only reason they popular is b/c they destroyed technology, PvP actualy has good pranks

  20. captiv8kat:

    butter scotch krimpets SAAAAAAN 🙂

  21. MexicanGamer9984:

    Whats your gamertagggg!

  22. dreamgirl2387:


    1. cover your mouth with your hand.

    2.wisper your wish into your hand. this to ten other comments look at your hand

  23. sammiejones6:

    You know how many bugs are in the food you eat? A LOT.

  24. jangatzer:


  25. UseFul Murderer:

    PvP Is the best you nut!

  26. Alex12345406:

    I want a fucking borrito

  27. YungEezyTellEm:

    Man this goes way back, I have been watching since day 34 of the vlogs, and still am and I go back just to rewatch the vids cuz I watched todays vlog and it just amazes me how quick time went when I watched these. Like WOW this felt like it was forever ago.

  28. TheRyanKavanagh:

    I pissed myself at alli’s face when the cat snapped XD

  29. Protasovitskaya:

    i like how allis wearing the shirt charles was wearing yesterday =)

  30. renaethefuzz:

    You are all very nocturnal lol

  31. Memorexman123:

    lol she said 52 in spanish not 29

  32. maryweasley87:

    I have 3:28 on repeat, sorry xDD

  33. davideagles559:


  34. Yanni21:

    they should make a vlog answering the door for trick-or-treaters

  35. LIFEvsME:

    OMG nearly died when Alli went to pour the Guinness that way! #Irishguy

  36. maribethmichelle:

    hahahah!! Kitchen!

  37. kk55385:

    i want a fucking DICK!

  38. angealyna422:

    I’ve watched all the CTFXC videos and the part in this video when Kitchen has her little fit, is probably my favorite moment ever.

  39. MCbrabbit19:

    I wish I had a fucking burrito.

  40. Veralyn99:

    omg I love Kitchen

  41. OfficialLadyLindsay:

    I love alli’s face after kitchen hisses.

  42. 2201texas:

    Get better Charles!

  43. missyandkiki2006:

    i want a f@#$ing burrito

  44. wii727:

    I Want a fucking shworma

  45. SuperNaomi29:

    i want a fucking burrito

  46. SuperiorSwagon1:

    Your Dads clever haha.
    Alli:World Peace?
    Dennis: A Piece.

  47. SuperiorSwagon1:

    I want a fucking Big Mac sin carne!

  48. Girlygirl2114:

    I want a f#%@ing burrito

  49. jesse2222223:

    i want a fucking burrito

  50. NinjaXDClan:

    i want a fucking burrito