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The Majestic Lion (original narration by Randall)

***GET ONE OF RANDALL’S AUTHENTIC HONEY BADGER TEES RIGHT NOW, STUPID!!! ONLY HERE: bit.ly *** VISIT: www.youtube.com *FOR MORE OF RANDALL’S ANIMALS!!! The Lion is the king of the animal kingdom: with a roar heard up to five miles away and a great big bushy mane, lions rule all! To learn more about the Lion, please visit: www.nationalgeographic.com
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«get out of the tree stupid» LOL
U know wat!! HONRY BADGER dont give a shit??
I don’t know what to do better fall asleep.
ur so freakin funny
Northwest India isn’t a continent, lol
all it took was the first word xD im dying
theyre confused.. they dont know what to make of it…So they fall asleep
Get out of the tree stupid
Cub abuse
I wish I could go to the zoo with you so you could narrate the entire day
Give Randall a Show, quick!!
the first animal u see besides the lion was a genet XD
Honey badger still dont give a shit.
There’s not doubt about it stupid, lions may be badass, but honey badger don’t give a shit.
Lions are big?
Honey Badger is badass they dont give a shit!
this guy needs tp be my science teacher
who else is thinking of Narnia? 😀
ROAR!!!!!! hilarious
The males have really awesome manes? Honey badger doesn’t give a shit!
look at that, what is tha… that’s not a lion
cub abuse! :l
ikr!! me 2!! xD
«roooooarrrrr» 2 seconds in and I nearly died laughing…
Nothing compares to the lion they say?
Honey Badger don’t give a shit.
Such beautiful animals lions are. 🙂