Самые смешные коты и кошки !

NEW MAIL VLOG #12, Part 1: youtu.be MAIL VLOG #12, Part 2: youtu.be Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com twitter.com Facebook: facebook.com Jesse’s Google + bit.ly T-shirts www.districtlines.com Download end song: dephonic.bandcamp.com Our Mailing address: PrankvsPrank PO Box 2106 Voorhees, NJ 08043

Yes, that is sp00n’s face.
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Hey guys! We’re 2 Students making funny and daring videos!
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Sorry for having to comment on this video, but we love to know what you think
Thanks so much, have a great day! x
jess you look like those hard working white folks that smoke all the time and have tattoos
Jesse I mustache you a question ;)
i do
r u kitten me? lol
u look like one of those fortun tellers in a box when u wore the thursdays mustache
Nobody likes Toee Fuuu SAAN!
doooooooo it
at 3 30 she said liked in a weird way haha it was funny
tie a knot on a rubber band with one hand
They have a WaWa we have a Sheetz lol
Dang i was egerly waiting on hi m to turn the water on lol.
♥(¯`´•.¸(¯`´•.¸ ________ღ♥ღ_________ ¸.•´´¯)¸.•´´¯)♥
♥—♥°°YaALAH,YaMuhammed,YaAli, YaAhmed°°♥—♥
♥(_¸.•´´(_¸.•´´ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯—ღ♥ღ-¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ `´•.¸_)`´•.¸_)♥
YAMANI(dua) has arrived wwwTheArrivedCom
Mehdi(dua) has emerged wwwTheYamaniArkCom
Thaa Bossss!!!::DDDD
I’m diking the same tea at 7:19 right now.
i thought it ment my mum vs your mum 0_0
My Mail Vs Your Mail
Fan Mail and see who gets better things?
Like this so they see it
Lol its actually written as 7 eleven.Its a Service station.Where you get petrol and inside is like a mini supermarket lol.Theyre heaps big in Sydney.Im not sure about anywere else tho so maybe you dont have it.Im from Newcastle which is 2 hours from Sydney and we have some.Theyre run by Indians actually.
Show us that commitment to health and do a 30-day vegan challenge!!! The china study, physicians committee for responsible medicine, dr campbell, dr neal barnard, dr esselstyn, forks over knives.
Nylah NEEEDS her nails trimmed
anyone shit their pants at 0:45
that’s a bro
Anybody else clench their butt cheeks?
Most likely the most terrifying game ever made.
Fuck Amnesia ;_;
That made me jump that thing was fast ahhhhh
Damn that Is fucking scary
He didn’t fucking ask for me to get subscribers, I was just suggesting it. He just won 7 grand. For king of the Web. And it’s not like he needs more.
I don’t know who pewdiepie is, but if that’s the way he/she gets subscribers, views, I’m definitely going to avoid him/her. Thanks for the warning.
your obviously the mad one you sad little child.
xD You mad bro?
Hahaha, you really are a little PewDiePie Fanboy arn’t you, little squeeky fuck, grow up you little dick clinging pussy.
Fucking asshat.
Dude did it look like I was hating on koots? I was just suggesting it. Besides kootra is one of my favorite creatures.
of course it isn’t, Sp00n is a gurl
Oh my fucking GOD, 0:44 made me jump off my chair…
pewdiepie made a video saying to ppl like to sftu and stop on other ppls channels, respect pewdie and the bros and plz…..stfu
I actually thumbed down. What a shocker.
this is like a hooer movie
when are kootra and nova going ot finish Q.U.B.E?
hah! :D