Whose line is it anyway — The Cat Episode part 1


This is the 29:th episode on season 2 of Whose line is it anyway? Link to the second part : www.youtube.com

Sorry the vlog is so late, we were filming for an Epic Rap Battle. Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com twitter.com Facebook: facebook.com Jesse’s Google + bit.ly T-shirts www.districtlines.com Download end song: ‪dephonic.bandcamp.com Our Mailing address: PrankvsPrank PO Box 2106 Voorhees, NJ 08043
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50 комментариев на “Whose line is it anyway — The Cat Episode part 1”

  1. nanashi03:

    Well Colin is hilarious, and he is my favorite WLIIA member, but Justin Bieber, or rather his fans, get on my last nerve. But Colin is amazing!!!! <3

  2. DevilDog5054:

    -«shut up butt munch i have class in the morning»
    -«u need to have some class right now» 😛

  3. mushroom1212:


  4. ufovin:

    not even he can make up for that mistake of a female

  5. Stardustian1973:

    That Charlie guy’s definitely got his eye on Wayne! ^_~ 😛
    I love this show… 🙂

  6. danceyourdeathaway:

    Ryan does a mean Carol Channing impression.

  7. SilverWolfFullMoon:

    Excuse me while I find the Maintinance Man on Itunes XD

  8. xXguitardude9Xx:

    i beg to differ

  9. xXguitardude9Xx:

    what about nickelback?

  10. ShanghaiForever:

    because it’s funny :D

  11. Georgeous129:

    haha the man DOES look like Chuck Norris!

  12. Klemmarisuma:

    My Lord, I looovve the way Wayne commits!

  13. kevineugenius:

    He was funny when he tripped on the steps…

  14. zsbenzc280:

    Greg is not funny!!!!!!

  15. maddog2010RHS:

    why do they always go back to carol Channing?

  16. DrummingDemon94:

    i beg to differ.

  17. bluetyee:

    Poor drew carey he was never funny once in his life

  18. NiGeLbUiSsEt:

    4:12 drew with a mohawk?

  19. MrBuch169169:

    «You need to have some class right now!» Wonderful. xD

  20. MCRomg:

    Waynes face after Greg said «shut up butt munch!» was PRICELESS xDD

  21. SoulReaper757:

    clean it up

  22. LyddieTheJester:

    Haha Ryan and Colin in the background during Song Styles

  23. Kirky753:

    1 Billion! Feel the heat Regis. haha, XD

  24. SuperACEOFSPADES21:

    no shit

  25. superrad17:

    this is probably the best episode

  26. MrLion59g:

    you guys are awesome

  27. MP3656:

    nawlah and nyalah? 😀

  28. DemPeachy:

    Brooklyn’s eyes are gorgeous. I know she’s a cat.. but stiiill!

  29. ethan blackburn:


  30. kgood5555:

    lol, «You dumb big yellow truck, moooooooooooooove!» XD

  31. SephirotHeRe:

    How to make this video an OK remix music video, pause the video then press these numbers:

    0,6,5,6,5,9,9,9,5,1,1,1,9,1,1,1,0,5,6,5,6,5,5,5,4,0. Yes I was bored & yes it might be shit.

  32. uniqueself99:

    That is so freaky. I’ve always wanted a boxer and to name it Nala! I got a german shepherd instead and still named it Nala!

  33. MrLibby321:

    1:22 she said his name like he just took the first step off of a cliff or something lol

  34. AtomicSushi92130:

    I was looking for a compilation of wheelchair fails and I get this… SRSLY what the fuck ?

  35. jacerollo:

    Ha lol

  36. wolfarmy2525:

    What car is that? Scion tc? I thought they only had 2 doors

  37. wolfarmy2525:

    More sixers don’t mind

  38. TonkaMacaroon16:

    LOL!!! Jesse with the wheelchair is soooo funny!

  39. xxpurple12:

    Just saw the rap battle lol!!

  40. Sasukekun19:

    LA airport toilets lol

  41. majorbeaver:

    @BFvsGF what kind of car do you drive?

  42. VectaArts:

    lol the dogs called Nalah and there cat is called Nylah :L

  43. zappers0mitey:

    You guy’s are awesome! You guy’s always make my day! :D

  44. markaguiniga1:


  45. Brad479549:


  46. LughGarrick:

    That’s what I call a WTF toilet 2:56

  47. MrTurtleman104:

    watch the 76ers way more


    This was like the 1st 1 ive watch and i though Jesse was the girl O_o 😮 lol soz Jesse!

  49. 4117oscar:

    I live in LA…In-&-Out is BANGIN’ LIKE A BUISCUT SAAAAAAAN. 3×3 animal style. saaan.

  50. tkSMILEY90:

    hahahaha same here