The Sims 3 Pets Review


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25 комментариев на “The Sims 3 Pets Review”

  1. Tyrik422:

    That ice cream truck is really creepy. Im not letting my sim children near it XD

  2. withflaws:

    Just ordered my copy from amazon 🙂

  3. penguino1999:


  4. TheBigEyedKitty:

    It’s tottally not weird that I laughed like a maniac when he said «stalker icecream truck», right? Right, guys? ..Right? Guys? …

  5. SorenBlueItUp:

    appaloosa* :l sorry…. force of habit. And yes, yes I do know.

  6. crazychainsaw007:

    I’m like WTF A DICK POOL oh wait it’s a bone…my bad

  7. PlainOlBrod:

    Was I the only person who thought the pool at 0:44 was a penis? o.O

  8. LOLWUT327:

    I did

  9. Leila Dridi:

    Did anyone know that »appolossa» is a horse breed?

  10. xxsaraahv:

    I got the limited edition and do you have to actually install the game on the sims 3 website to get the link to the limited edition content ? Because I just downloaded the game how I always do on my computer without going to the website and after I downloaded it ,it never gave me a link to the limited edition content. Anyone can help?

  11. thatoldseadawg:

    great! brill, thx for telling me — defo getting this now!

  12. redhockeywhite8:

    yess and puggles(:

  13. thatoldseadawg:

    can you get pugs on sims 3 pets?

  14. Squaretable22:

    Thankfully I live on the Beach = no roads!!!

  15. ilovetwixiekitty:

    Where?! For what price?! What store?! did they have one for the PS3?!

  16. Nina Burger:

    The creepy. Stalkerish. Ice cream truck.

  17. ilovelarrystylinson1:

    Yeah they’re having a BIG sale, I got like all of the expansion packs from there on Thurday exept for Supernatual, Diesel Stuff, Town Life and Showtime

  18. puppyface345:

    I got the sims 3 pets for $19.00 at JB HI FI

  19. MrMcF00:

    LGR nuff said

  20. garysnail47:

    The game glitch picture he used was from AVGN

  21. garysnail47:

    AVGN= Angry Video Game Nerd

  22. pimpmastaks88:

    one sim gave birth to a stick!

  23. pimpmastaks88:

    yes i did

  24. ilovelarrystylinson1:


  25. horse14t:

    Can horses have twins?