The cat is planning something evil (кот задумал что-то недоброе)


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25 комментариев на “The cat is planning something evil (кот задумал что-то недоброе)”

  1. Painkillerq8:


  2. Elizabeth Tyson:

    I loved it!

  3. yasir abedin:

    first cute than gay

  4. bookaltd:

    «Every step you take…every move you make…I’ll be watching you»

  5. esraretin:

    u re doing great vids 

  6. Gorilla Banana:

    «to the laboratory !»

  7. IfritEngen:

    I jumped off sofa, thanks Dx

  8. Cindy Udhardt:

    He just wants to be feed and get some attention.

  9. 1sweetsue:

    very pretty cat

  10. Trovao Lerdo:


  11. elanderos79el:

    I have one word to say ……………….ha

  12. Petrokwstas:

    I think that you videos are the best cat videos on Youtube!!!

  13. Grivermail:

    Котэ Альцгеймера

  14. UnderworldSelene01:

    is scary when my cat do that its like if i should be ready for it

  15. Graeme Porter:

    Absolutely brilliant, I love this cat 😀

  16. Ce Pia:

    no idea!

  17. moojidy:

    Why is this so funny?

  18. MaddiexLicious:


  19. devilcpy:


  20. RandomVelociraptor:

    Anyone waiting for a Michael Jackson photo in the end?

  21. jamscafe:

    More thrilling and suspense than any other horror/thriller movies , hahahahah! Love it. 😀

  22. Morgan Dobson:

    All cats are planning something evil.

  23. PantomimePonyTail:

    Best cat video ever. EVER!! 😀

  24. Greg McAusland:


  25. MrNalyad:
