Кот — строгий тренер (The cat — a strict coach)


Более строгого тренера у меня не было 🙂 The most strict coach in my life 🙂
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25 комментариев на “Кот — строгий тренер (The cat — a strict coach)”

  1. Алтынай Акылбеккызы:

    Он у вас хороший тренер)

  2. lonely583:

    so cute~~~~~!

  3. h2oquality2010:


  4. shinichi1975:


  5. Alex Orozco:

    I want a cat that does that! LOL

  6. luvmybombingdevil:

    Probably because the camera-woman wants the guy and the cat to be entirely visible and keeps moving the camera to keep them completely in the picture.

  7. Alienovsky2011:


  8. monamoo1:

    Good Point..I didn’t notice it the first time…

  9. monamoo1:

    AKHHHHHHHHHH Adorable…

  10. godzillasballs:

    lol — thanks

  11. Persephone9ish:

    My cat is scared of my grown daughter who loves him and all other cats. He runs for his life whenever he sees her. Except, once in a great while, and then he runs up to her and rubs against her leg.

    Cats are inscrutable — one of the things about them I find most fascinating.

  12. Persephone9ish:

    thumbs up to your name as well!

  13. Sasha Marasigan:

    Haha mine runs away after sniffing suspiciously at the yoga mat. He’s scared of anything he’s not used to seeing.

  14. Paweł Ossoliński:

    hahaha… omg, whatta action 😀

  15. Joxeh So:

    Nice body… a cat? where?

  16. BrassMonkey Ballz:

    THAT does not look right.

  17. Reza O'Line:

    you might call him Pursh a.k.a mr Trainer.. ^^

  18. Ferlyn Joy Tavera:

    OMG! Cutest Creature ever! I should have a cat like that to motivate me. Lol. ~

  19. Nadeeya Naazneen:

    I wonder why the camera is moving like its doing the push up also…

  20. Persephone9ish:

    What a delightful video and what a conscientious cat/trainer! My cat tries to sabotage my yoga sessions by crawling under the mat so I must stop in order not to squash him. He’s not much help but I love him lots anyway.

  21. Angel75793:


  22. godzillasballs:

    and bow before your master!!!

  23. Clio Endor:

    ah ah :-D

  24. KINGPUMA96:

    Да сука да!!!Русские захватят топ)

  25. KoshkaNaLadoshke:

    Блиин! Какая прелесть! Котищще просто потрясающий! 🙂 С таким тренером и правда не забалуешь!