Cat and Pug relaxing (Кот и мопс отдыхают)


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25 комментариев на “Cat and Pug relaxing (Кот и мопс отдыхают)”

  1. The640kb:

    Frienship wins!

  2. zslippersable:

    I loved this! Makes you feel great just to enjoy their togetherness and camaraderie. Lin

  3. guitaristKAZ:

    I can feel ‘Peace of the Earth’ from this! :)

  4. Jennifer Tyler:

    It’s. so cute.

  5. manoj goswami:

    that’s right, this is really fantastic. i can tell you one thing, my spouse is getting paid monthly for doing some surveys and browsing sites. if you wanna try just try now: bit.ly_HASH_

  6. Romas tamosevicius:

    39 noobs.

  7. Monica Landim Chaikosky:

    ahahahaha.. que gracinhaa..

  8. guyutm:

    they were drunk

  9. mamiluisamia:

    is that in Paradise? 🙂

  10. Hingle McCringleberry:

    That or they’re dead.

  11. nicoleephraimify:

    Thats crazy

  12. floriaem28:

    Look the credis at the end of video, or try search
    «sergey trofimov»
    Сергей Трофимов

    очень интересно!

  13. 2228fiona:

    Сергей Трофимов — самарский реггей 

  14. mlalex45:

    Песню в студию!!! :))))

  15. Elaine White:

    Love this music ,who is it please,?

  16. KillAngelaAndRobert:

    yeah… and when you would understand what theyre talkin… heh its bullshit 😀
    ganja ganja babaya…

  17. mhfuXmonsta:

    Being a russian video theyre drunk on vodka

  18. piobabs:

    W l’ozio (da notare i bei dentini del micio)

  19. katydid26:

    What’s the name of the song and the artist?

  20. uchinokora:

    LOL!!! Soooo cute!

  21. TryMike4instance:

    Chio za pesnia ta?

  22. TryMike4instance:

    Chio za

  23. woxow:


  24. baddoggie101:

    Not real, this is CGI.

  25. st4kinako:
