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Video Rating: 4 / 5

Комментарии к записи Кошак в полном отрубе отключены

My cat pees in the toilet and tries to flush it afterwards. Believe it! I thought I had my share of animal funny videos, but this funny video had me on the ground laughing. This cat doesn’t need cat behavior training, or any animal potty training lessons. She actually learned how to pee on her own. Gotta love my cat peeing in the toilet. Does anyone actually know of cat behavior training specialists that do this kind of training? If so, I’d love to talk to these animal trainers to see how they do cat potty training as a comparison. If you have any personal experiences with cat behavior training or cat potty training, let me know. Would love to hear your insights too.

Video Rating: 3 / 5

Ухаххахаха)) Я валяюсь!

Новости для гиков — Supreme2.ru

Кошак, мясо. Латвия, Рига, Иманта.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

People like to look at cats on the internet. Why not look at my stupid cat? mikepolkjr.com I have no idea why anyone would want to own this obnoxious song, but a bunch of people have asked for it, so here’s a link: itunes.apple.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet cat planet www. catpla- *SLAP* sorry… sorry about that http talkhaus.raocow.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

vidbest.net — лучшие видеоприколы с кошками со всего интернета.

Комментарии к записи Приколы с Кошками | Кошки — Прикольное Видео. отключены