16 Янв 2012г.

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Tom & Jerry — The Cat Concerto [HQ]. My Channel is CartoonCollection : www.youtube.com * Thanks for visiting
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Primus performing «Tommy The Cat» for MTV’s Spring Break 1992. I captured this from my own VHS-recorded copy of the broadcast from back in the day. 🙂 For the higher quality video and audio version, add &fmt=18 to the end of the URL. There have a been a TON of comments about the «Primus sucks» thing, so I wanted to post up here a recent comment by «heymanthisisfun» who shares some history behind it….. ————————————————— «Simple misunderstanding bro, ya see ‘Primus sucks’, (long story short) is an old school Primus joke that actually Les started himself by saying at shows ‘We’re Primus and we suck’ and people started chanting it at shows and it kinda stuck ever since and even still you’ll hear people at the nowadays rare Primus shows, yellin ‘PRIMUS SUCKS!!!!’ its just one of those things ya know!» And, yes, that IS Tia Carrere at the end of the video. 😉
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Video Rating: 5 / 5

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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