

Март 2025
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Video Rating: 3 / 5

Комментарии к записи мелкие кошаки играют отключены

Small compilation of very angry cats 🙂

Кошак и комп
Video Rating: 4 / 5

коктебель. кошак, в помойке, с тормозной реакцией, как у человека))
Video Rating: 3 / 5

котята подросли
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Удивительно, но реально кот (кошка) плавает в воде и получает удовольствие 🙂
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Apollo will walk upstairs to the loft and then come to the side that overlooks the kitchen. He hill sit between the banister posts and look down and meow loudly. If no one is around he will just sit there and meow loudly about once every 30 seconds. And when I say loud, it is loud. Apollo must practice daily to be loud. I am surprised our neighbors do not hear the meow. So he sits there doing this till Donna or I come into the Kitchen and look up at him. Not only do we need to look up, but it must be full eye contact or he just continues. Once we do this he stands and waits for me (or Donna) to call out HHAAAYYY-LLOOWW. It is important to say it loud, draw it out and pronounce 2 syllables. If you do not do it right he cocks his head and looks at you in pity or like you are just nuts. If you get it just right, he answers MMMEEERRR-RRROOOWWW. Then you repeat and he does. This will happen till he gets it just right. The whole thing goes something like: HELLO MMEEWW-WOW HELL-LOWW MEMEEWW-MRRWOW HEELLL-LLLOWW MEWW-MURRR And it can keep going till he feels he got it right, and by God it sounds like he says hello by the end! He then happily trots to the far end of the loft, steps off onto the cat walk rail systems on the wall and comes down the wall to the kitchen to rub against me. Really! It is so funny! I am working on teaching him a few other words now and he is starting to catch on. Purrhaps soon I will have a few more videos to show with a few more words he learned.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Кошаки и чудо-трава cats
Video Rating: 4 / 5