

Март 2025
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Wheatgrass is amazing stuff. Wheatgrass is remarkably easy to grow. Wheatgrass juice is an elixir like no other. If you want to know how to grow wheatgrass — this video will teach you. In 9 days we go from dormant (dry) wheat berries (Kernels of wheat. Wheat seed.) to grass that’s several inches tall. During those 9 days we expend about 2 minutes of labor. It is truly That Easy! We Sproutpeople grow everything by hand. Why bother with machinery when it’s this easy? As with all of our videos, we try to cover everything you need to know in order to grow a great crop. Grow your own Grass! These instructions will help you grow grass from any large grain.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Rudolph is so scary. He is 13 weeks old and is available for adoption through the cats protection. Update: Rudy has been adopted!!
Video Rating: 0 / 5