

Март 2025
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In the spirit of «turkey sandwiches for weeks,» Ben looks around his shop to see what project he can make from the year’s leftover electronics parts from all his mods, hacks and inventions. He comes up with an original way to make fat cats exercise using laser pointers! 00:42 Scrounging for Parts Ben looks around his shop to see what useful spare parts he can find (and caulk). 02:23 Super Size Cat Inspired by his sister’s ridiculously fat cat, Ben designs a laser pointer that amuses your cats while you’re away. 02:54Hot Glue & Dreams Ben sketches out how to build the Cat Exerciser and then starts putting it together. Laser Cats Ben offers the device to Trash Cat, and we see it used with actual cats ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like, Comment & Share This Video: www.youtube.com Never miss and episode- Subscribe for free!: www.youtube.com Watch more Ben Heck: www.revision3.com Follow Ben on Twitter: twitter.com Like The Ben Heck Show on Facebook: www.facebook.com ABOUT THE BEN HECK SHOW Join master hacker, engineer, and conjurer of cool mods Ben Heck as he tackles a new project every other week. Submit YOUR idea for what Ben should build next at BenHeck@Revision3.com.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

New channel! www.youtube.com All subsequent videos will be posted there. If any of you lovely people are on Twitter and would like to follow me, click here: www.twitter.com Edit: a HUGE thank you to everyone who has subscribed to me, or commented, liked, favourited, shared.. or just generally enjoyed my video! I read all your comments, and every single one makes me smile 🙂 and by the way, if anyone was searching for Nuclearbones’ comment (or anyone else’s) just message me and I can tell you, haha! (I was SO HAPPY when youtuber TheMeanKitty (Cory Williams of SMPfilms) noticed this and commented.. if you go to one of the first pages of comments you’ll see! :D) ————————————————- —Thank you to my amazing brother, Kris, who designed, filmed and edited the beginning intro 🙂 — So hey everyone! This is basically the introduction/practice to a new thing I’m trying out: speed drawing (or ‘time-lapse’). This drawing was only a quick and rough one, took about an hour in full length, but it was just to try out the camera and program and everything. I’m age 15 so I know I’ve got a lot to improve on! The photo I used to draw this from was a pic I took of the whole face of my neighbour’s cat — I zoomed in on the eye. She’s a really beautiful animal, and I hope to draw the whole picture sometime. Sorry about the random change of focus halfway through; as I say, this is a practice and at first the focus wasn’t set right, so I altered it when I realised
Video Rating: 4 / 5