Peanut Stealing Cat


Cat opens jar, grabs a nut
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25 комментариев на “Peanut Stealing Cat”

  1. tsv00:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! that was really funny.

  2. gluue3:

    lol yea they can do that when they go 2 months without being fed xD

  3. 3danaable1:


  4. ldit1:

    tha cat is cute

  5. ldit1:

    lol cute

  6. broot4u:

    Those peanuts, if this was my house, would immediately belong to the cat. I know where those paws go a couple times a day, and eating anything that they touch following that…nope!

  7. MrRazorblade999:

    Amazing! Never thought a cat could do that.

  8. JHo4God:

    it looks like i have another feline hero. this cat is the shit right here, genius.

  9. wellred20:

    Another brilliant Asian cat!

  10. moonklutz:

    I bet he also doesn’t wash his paws before or after.

  11. magnetmanca:


  12. Iwnt10thprstge:

    Lol ! It looks like a squirrel or a monkey ! (:

  13. SpiceyApplesRtheBEST:

    he really wants those nuts xD

  14. AndreaJMo:

    You have a really intelligent cat! That’s awesome 🙂

  15. meldeathproof1:

    this is the greatest example of feline intelligence!

  16. DeSpecial:

    lol, how cute. That would now be only the cat’s peanuts.

  17. mmmbad:

    That’s so cute! He’s one smart cat! Thanks for posting.

  18. asdf12342684:


  19. cabbievonbump:

    Smaaarrrttt Cat!. =(^_^)= Meow!

  20. stevesusenet:

    If cats had thumbs we would be in trouble.

  21. laspeliculas187:

    que rico el gato lo amo XD

  22. nellie2581:

    That’s cute and funny. He can even opne a jar. What a smart cat! Very anthropomorphic! Dos he nkow what he’s doing?

  23. 5SuperMeme:

    looool woow! ur cat is smartt
    loool so cuttttee

  24. catobsessedgirl:

    Your cat is very smart… 😮

  25. itsbrimand:

    @SoPlEoReD lol! Nice