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Cat Fight

2 cats fighting with a Boxing track added to add to the fun. DO NOT REPOST ON YOUTUBE. IF YOU WANT TO USE ON A WEBSITE LINK DIRECTLY TO THIS ONE. THANK YOU
This is hkbecky’s video, Imagine what it would be if you could hear cats talking…. ps this is not my video…just my voice over. I give all video and cat credit to hkbecky at www.youtube.com
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Nah, I think Cognac should’ve won by decision.
LOL, remind me of Wing Chun.
pahahahaahaahaahahahaaaa 0:32
its funny thanks pal
ehm ich bin nackt
theyre not fighting theyre paying! lol
That was EPIC
hahaha so funny XD
Lol this had me rolling it was so cute & funny how bj was just showing teeth. But I bet cognac is the oldest of the two thats why he wasnt throwing blows
Imma repost this
now thats real boxing
Two cats bitch slapping each other. Classic. Now that’s a cat fight.
cognac has style….
2:01 — 2:07 LOL SO FUNNY
who the fuck dislikes this? these cats are just fucking around,
the 1 on the left is always bearing his teeth like baboons…… dont ask me y i referd a cat to a baboon
hehehehe bj..
ehm bin reich aber einsam
0:31 picture of the decade
Cagnac is as stiff as a board hahahaha
knew it -_-
Naming your cat Cognac is bad ass. I wanted to call mine Wodka but my mom didn’t want that =/
uhm… how the hell did i get here?
what’s that?? Creeper?? Hello creeper!! lmfao
i swear on my life i almost died laughing
when im feeling down searching for a smile i look this vid upp … :DD it doesnt just make me laugh butt warms my heart <3
omg i just cried lmfao
You guys are fucking stupid as hell!! And you sound like you take a lot of dick down the throat! Pussy’s!!!
funny ass hell
hello creeper
Dunno why, but I just love this clip <3
@coochei I already watched it twelve million times
I can watch this a million times!
I want the guys who voiced over to do it again!! good job guys!!
I love it, best smile Ive had all day!!!
Lucy and Harpo reincarnated as CATS!
How is it that the sidebar having cat videos would have some fat girl singing kesha? I don’t see the connection between pure ugly and something so cute.
STILL makes me laugh!
How do u get cats do that!? thats awesome
Im not gonna do tat if u hit me again >:[
holy crap. i thought it was a mirrior!
Cool cats! Yeah!
One of the best EVER!!!!!! How did you do this? did you watch it over and over and then write a script?