Standing Cat Video Rating: 4 / 5
подружкина кошечка Суши Video Rating: 3 / 5
Even if Japanese television was in English, it would still make no sense. XD
@UltimateAnimeGamer Rofl man, this is a good one.
this must have been right before they ate him…
fuck you you cunts i will fuck u up if u say shitt
ils ont des voix de merde dans ces pays là !
IT`S weird that cat can stand like this but very funny
It’s Japanese, what’d you expect?
oh god. soon they will take over the internet!! no.. wait…
he needs boots
my cat does this sometimes if she sees something interesting that is too high for her to see in a sitting position.
he must be a relative of Garfield
I love how he sinks back down on his haunches and his little tum-tum goes «ploomp»!
@hollowman113 but its an american short hair….the lady in the video said so =P
Hehe that Tabby looks like the animagus transformation fom Minerva McGonnagle
Why do japenese always sound like little anime 5 yo’s.
Haha you made me laugh hard in rl, you’re so right! xD
@MichaelThorne096 good question :/
this is the ojamajo doremi passiteir to witch transformation music
too cute!
@MichaelThorne096 hm, idk, i actually quite like them
Asian cats are…Special…im positive about that
@MichaelThorne096 because they are japan, full of anime… :3
Wow. Japanese TV is actually worse than American TV. IT must be the combination of crappy sound effects and the «reaction window» thing in the corner.
Суши? не патриотично как то…….пельмень, самое то
Even if Japanese television was in English, it would still make no sense. XD
@UltimateAnimeGamer Rofl man, this is a good one.
this must have been right before they ate him…
fuck you you cunts i will fuck u up if u say shitt
ils ont des voix de merde dans ces pays là !
IT`S weird that cat can stand like this but very funny
It’s Japanese, what’d you expect?
oh god. soon they will take over the internet!!
no.. wait…
he needs boots
my cat does this sometimes if she sees something interesting that is too high for her to see in a sitting position.
he must be a relative of Garfield
I love how he sinks back down on his haunches and his little tum-tum goes «ploomp»!
@hollowman113 but its an american short hair….the lady in the video said so =P
Hehe that Tabby looks like the animagus transformation fom Minerva McGonnagle
Why do japenese always sound like little anime 5 yo’s.
Haha you made me laugh hard in rl, you’re so right! xD
@MichaelThorne096 good question :/
this is the ojamajo doremi passiteir to witch transformation music
too cute!
@MichaelThorne096 hm, idk, i actually quite like them
Asian cats are…Special…im positive about that
@MichaelThorne096 because they are japan, full of anime… :3
Wow. Japanese TV is actually worse than American TV. IT must be the combination of crappy sound effects and the «reaction window» thing in the corner.
Суши? не патриотично как то…….пельмень, самое то