@plasticineXsunshine Elaine actually did a video before this, a while ago, and she had Comet in it, he was squirming around and stuff when she held him. Cats dont really like being held.
M mom’s cat Mickey adopted me after I was born! He’d curl up next to me in my crib, jump up and snuggle next to me in my stroller. Later on I wouldn’t go to bed until I had him in my arms, he might have been gone all day but come my bedtime he’d show up, a long-suffering look on his face (Mom’s words, not mine!), I’d hug him, he’d wait patiently with me till I was asleep and he could leave! I miss Mickey!
«Trust your instincts.» Bahah!
@sparkmedia01 «Cats love being held»
So you know all cats?
@WooScore Cat’s love being held, I have three and they love attention of any kind.
The actor was holding the cat incorrectly.
mary kate is like my family
they look more like ALY ND AJ to me but heyy theyre still amaziingggg
@plasticineXsunshine Elaine actually did a video before this, a while ago, and she had Comet in it, he was squirming around and stuff when she held him. Cats dont really like being held.
comet comet comet comet….. yay i have a island
that poor cat was having a seizure in her arms…
lmfao «like our dog on full house?»
Check out Bodyguard’s own series, Personal Trainwreck.
Too fast
@Drjerome1 ooh, haha i get it
@Drjerome1 Cop disguised as a drug dealer.
whats a nark?
poor cat, that wasn’t very gentle.
I squealed to death when the cat was writhing in MK’s arms.
your cat needs a chill pill! bahahahah
like if u notice wen MK was sayin comet comet comet there was a moving black spot in the backround
That cat looked like it was in a lot of pain.
wow i thought i knew annoying
@speritslive12 trust your instincs
and I hung up because I thought it was a narc.
chilli peppers!!!!!!
AWWWWW she loves your baby soo much!!!!XDDD TWO CUTIES!!!!
oh yea that was me and my cat… kitty pawing at my face and im like sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep… i miss my babygirl
the cat is like, wake up wake up play with me… lil girl -.- zzz lol sooo adorable
come on! wake up! I want to play! wake up!!!!!!
@verilyheld Such a great story! Made me smile.
thats so cute :3
silly kitty, baby can’t feed you!
M mom’s cat Mickey adopted me after I was born! He’d curl up next to me in my crib, jump up and snuggle next to me in my stroller. Later on I wouldn’t go to bed until I had him in my arms, he might have been gone all day but come my bedtime he’d show up, a long-suffering look on his face (Mom’s words, not mine!), I’d hug him, he’d wait patiently with me till I was asleep and he could leave! I miss Mickey!
the cat is like: «hey wake up so you can share some of your milk in the sippy cup with me»
Kitty just wants to give some lovings!! Our female cat is the same way with my 10 month old son.
Usually it’s the other way around lol
that pillow looks very suspicious
respect for playing red hot chili peppers in the background
the cat’s not bugging the baby, he just wants to snuggle.
kitties are so determined xD
this is adorable
@AnaMusafirah lmao
aww! the kittys all ‘you’re my baby now! wake up! lets play!’ So cute!
the baby is like: cat leave me alone!
Baby: omfg.. LET ME SLEEP. D;
yay Its my only chance to eat it while itsa small ^-^
AWWW poor baby and that cat just wants to play!!
@Pandora0623 mine too XDDDD. Or she would attack my hand that fell over the side of the bed and when i woke up shed just stand and stare at me