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[Alice: Madness Returns] Cheshire Cat Quotes

A complete collection of all spoken dialogue by the Cheshire Cat (Roger Jackson) from Alice: Madness Returns, including lines from cutscenes, riddles, random idle phrases, and unused content. Because you know you can’t get enough of it. Index: 0:00 — Vale of Tears (Ch. 1) 2:35 — Hatter’s Domain (Ch. 1), Deluded Depths (Ch. 2) 3:39 — Vale of Doom (Ch. 3) 4:20 — Oriental Grove (Ch. 3) 6:32 — Bridge to Queensland (Ch. 4) 8:03 — Dollhouse (Ch. 5) 8:06 — Riddles / Radulas 10:28 — Idle Phrases / Miscellaneous 18:40 — Ending Monologue And the screenshots: www.photobucket.com Answers to the riddles are now added! Just discovered that the collection is missing a few lines. The first is spoken when the cat is called a second time just before Alice’s encounter with the Hatter (Ch. 1: Hatter’s Domain). Listen to it here: www.2shared.com The rest concern the octopus and music fish from the second chapter: www.2shared.com
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this cat is so sweet x3
I absolutely love Cheshire…. played the game, and whenever i would see his icon appear i would scream.. This highly makes me realize… I NEED A CAT LIKE THIS….. *-*
so amazingg
is there any where i can find all the quotes written down
Some times he sounds like Christopher Lee.
Can I find a good picture of him to see every detail on him?
00:02 «Perrrrrrfect»
I love thissssss game
I want a cat like this Q~Q
My cat actully has furr like this but its not truly blue, more grey and black. He always bites me and attacks me so I call him Cheshire for the furr and since Alice thinks he’s a bit of a bully, so I take my cat and yell «Cheshire, help me in Wonderland!» and my dad just stares at me.. Yep, normal day alright.
«Only few find the way, some don’t recognize it when they do —some, don’t ever want to.»
~Cheshire Cat
My fav quote ^w^
i love this game
Hahahaha………this video is making me fall asleep…….and of course my cat is asleep t my feet while Im listening to this
I love it
He reminds me of a helpful Snape.
What a troll.
Why does his voice sound stupid in the new game? He sounded perfect in the first one.
@piggytailgirl It’s too bad he didn’t say «ass»…I would’ve fainted when he said that one part
«Spawn of Satan.» I just love the way he says that.
I love that quotes that show up in this game as well as the last one. x’D
@MrWotsItoya It’s gorgeous~ <3
14:00 «You’re sufficiently fortified to kick some a…To boot these creature’s nether regions»
Can you Upload the Duchess’ Quotes please??
6:36 my favorite quote