Самые смешные коты и кошки !
NON-STOP NYEH CAT! (10 Minute and 3 Second Loop)

READ DESCRIPTION PLZ. Alright, I added a loop annotation so now the video actually is «Non-stop». If you turn the annotation off it will go back to just a 10 min. loop. From the end of episode 52 of Yu-Gi-Oh! the abridged series. Looped by me. Every now and again it’ll skip up a little, but its not extremely noticeable.
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Okey now I hate cats And Brooklyn people ….. Just joking cats r cute and Brooks r ok but Lil’kuriboh’s epic awesome : )
O_O i cant believe that i sat though 10 hours of this.
Sound like he’s saying giggity.And I’m a girl who’s only 8 so I would’nt want to run into Quagmire. :
Yo dawg I heard u like memes, so we put a meme inside a meme
hmm, i listen to this to get to sleep.
wow the original was auto tuned hatsune miku in Japan which says nyan…
BUT OURS IS BY LITTLEKURIBOH and our is better bcuz is says nyeh.
You gotta be kitten me! :3
this has got to be the best thing EVER xD
faved, and at 5 minutes and 1 and a half seconds. so addicting to watch
nyeh………….IN AMERICA!
Is it sad that I actually sat through the whole thing?
after watching this after like forever, I realized his body is a card, not a pop-tart
is it sad if i used this as background music when i do my hw?
is Joey naked? ._.
Whats that crucial missing part? And when I showed this to my family, they just walked away. Party poopers they are.
I almost choked from laughing…
This is missing a crucial part of the original Nyan-cat and that’s preventing me from liking this. Cool loop though.
this gave me a nyeh boner
Thumbs up if you can actually watch the whole thing without doing anything else!
This is now my new work motivation, keep this going until I finish, it’ll annoy me to the point where I will actually work just to turn it off XD
I love you.