
© 2011 WMG Taken from the new album THE BIG ROAR, out now everywhere. Director: Christopher Mills

Brian playing his Gretsch Longhorn, with Mark Winchester on slap bass and Bernie Dresel on drums. Recorded live during the Brian Setzer Orchestra’s tour of Japan.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. cbob7:

    Holy canoli, this song and video are over-the-top fantastic.

  2. TheWinnerKingdom:

    @DeadLionPicture Will you guys stop it? I have changed my mind. His puppets are balony

  3. DeadLionPicture:

    @TheDinosaurHunt No don’t be so hard on yourself. Your puppets are very good! And it’s easy to misread a video title

  4. TheDinosaurHunt:

    @DeadLionPicture And I do think that claymation is very good too. Perhaps I shall switch mediums in light of your excellent insight!

  5. TheDinosaurHunt:

    @DeadLionPicture Yes, I am VERY SORRY for offending you. I did not mean to spam. I misread the title of this video as ‘The Joy of Puppetry’ instead of ‘The Joy Formidable’.

  6. DeadLionPicture:

    @TheWinnerKingdom Ha, ok? more like So Gay.

  7. TheWinnerKingdom:

    @DeadLionPicture @TheDinosaurHunt Hey, lay of the guy! his puppets are ok…

  8. DeadLionPicture:

    @TheDinosaurHunt excellent spam jerk. This is the JOY-freaking-FORMIDABLE Go post your junk anywhere else. Everyone knows that claymation is the future of entertainment. anyway.

  9. TheDinosaurHunt:

    The Joy formidable is very good, but I strongly feel that puppets are the future of entertainment. For the good of humanity I have created a puppet series to fill this hunger for excellent content.

  10. ilikedovehunting:

    @julians1mommy When I saw that I was so excited, can’t wait

  11. pinxit99:

    @soccerallday1210 Trust your own taste in music, which appears to be excellent. Keep hanging with your friend will lead to a backward-sloping forehead from repeated self-inflicted head-slaps. 🙂

  12. Trickeymuppet:

    Found this on TopMusic.

  13. julians1mommy:

    there gonna be at bonnaroo i cant freakin wait!!!!

  14. annarox4:

    this is SOOO much better than «Stupid Hoe»
    this is MUSIC <3

  15. soccerallday1210:

    That awkward moment when this happens:
    You- isn’t this song so awesome!!! *starts rockin out*
    Friend- uh…not really…it’s really bad…..
    You- yeah. ok. you need to know real music when you hear it.

    *1-3 months later**the song suddenly becomes popular*

    Friend- Damn!! Listen to this song it’s awesome
    You- *listens to same song* uh i showed you this like a few months ago
    Friend- no you didn’t! i know real music when i hear it trust me
    You- *face palm*

  16. MikeMauger1011:

    @suicidalquiff They’re*

  17. thRobhimself:

    2:14 most epic event in a video ever!

  18. coleabbott:

    awesome video

  19. AustinScreamz:

    Music to die for…. the only thing more beautiful than great music is my Girlfriend.

  20. OceanNoiseBand:

    If you like The Joy Formidable you might like our music — we’re indie rock from Canada called Ocean Noise

  21. reamariewilson:

    favorite part at 3:19!!


  22. corriannelizabeth:

    so many cats… i feel like i’m in heaven!

  23. iTechie17:

    I remember when they played this on Starz. It always made my day.

  24. RyanJSpies:

    this video was really awesome.

  25. ebabba:

    Nothing like this song live. See the many versions on Tube. Lolla last year epic. Vegas Cosmo Pool. etc etc etc. Best live band playing.

  26. royal5th:

    This is a Junior Parker Song.  Elvis recorded it a couple years later.

  27. hcgazoo:

    The neck on that guitar looks just HUGE!

  28. Syzygy60:

    how ’bout that boy?

  29. Syzygy60:

    that is one sweet guitar

  30. Syzygy60:

    excuse my spelling

  31. Syzygy60:


  32. FrankoEPFan:

    While my favorite version of this song is the classic Elvis version, I love this treatment by Brian Setzer and have great respect and admiration for doing this song justice, great job! I believe this song was first recorded as «That’s all Right» by Arthor «Big Boy» Crudup in 1946, and if you hear it, it’s quite a contrast from the song as recorded by Elvis and others, it’s definately worth a listen, a peice of music history.

  33. scottsoul64:

    @FrankoEPFan elvis didn’t do the original of this, elvis is great but did a lot of covers

  34. Syzygy60:

    not a class of ppl a class of music

  35. Syzygy60:

    Brian Created a new class Much like Elvis did

  36. Syzygy60:

    so did Brian

  37. Syzygy60:

    I heard James

  38. Syzygy60:

    this is the King of Rockabilly Elvis would be proud

  39. bloozmonkey111:

    Even better than James Burton

  40. ibuprofen303:

    @FranzBisciu This video is an example solos and rhythm playing why he is more enjoyable to listen to than the «guitar gods» — Clapton, Hendrix, SRV etc. — his playing has so much more rhythm and texture and colour to it to my ear. That’s only a personal opinion though. IMHO he plays for the crowd, rather than playing for himself — that’s the difference.

  41. damuzaknme:

    was heading to bed, but now im all fired up…….feet r tappen , fingers playing the desk drums… ohhh yeaaaa !!!!!!!! GOTTA JAM NOW !!!!!!!!!

  42. FranzBisciu:

    This guy is way better than the overrated Mark Knopfler

  43. Syzygy60:

    I have an 11 year old female cat named Setzer

  44. slamnsky6:

    We now know for a fact there are at least 24 deaf people in the world. How could you not like this stuff?

  45. flores1450:

    stand up bass SSSSSMOKIN!!!!

  46. DrunknShooter:

    Just the best!

  47. Elviskk77:

    niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! the best_________

  48. SuperTiagin:

    brilliant  Brian the best

  49. LhodaKblerz:

    If Setzer had been around at the start of the RnR period…..Wonderful stuff!

  50. jmack619:

    wow Brian amazing music go cat go