Yin Yang Yo-episode 5-My Stupid Sword


Yang is thrilled about the prospect that there are some cool cats in town who not only have mad ninja skills, they appear on Broadway, they play rock & roll, and they’re looking for a new member! Unfortunately, a sharp sword is required to get in with these cats, and Yang’s bamboo sword is far from sharp. Will Yang break one of Master Yo’s rules about not touching any of the weapons from the Forbidden Armory, just to have a better shot of making the cut
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23 комментария на “Yin Yang Yo-episode 5-My Stupid Sword”

  1. logannoops194:

    @IncredibleArceus1 nice name

  2. 68blackheart:

    8:25 cute

  3. nich0445:

    rabbits are about the same size as a cat maybe a little smaller are you sure you aren’t thinking of foxes or wolves?

  4. sailorvenus72:

    im 23 now n i still want to hav yin s powers lol

  5. Hypershadow1632:

    Come to think of it, don’t cats eat rabbits?

  6. b2h3e1021:

    the three cats is sow cute but bad

  7. wickedodd12345:

    the 3 girl remind me about the power girls

  8. Koalabearcub:


  9. HipHopWorldStar:

    ok are you guys gay or are you girls

  10. yasuko1571:


  11. spyrogamer84:

    what theeeeee helllllllll is this

  12. AngelPrincessFromHel:


  13. Grovyle153:


  14. MegaPandamusic:

    Power Puff Girls AND Hello Kitty UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Grovyle153:

    LAWLZ yang looks toattly wierd… LAWLZ!!!

  16. lananhdo12:

    @YucknDax64 FYI it’s not a «ripoff» it’s a parody

  17. IncredibleArceus1:

    @hamtaro205 yeah

  18. hamtaro205:

    @IncredibleArceus1 only the added ninjas! ^_^

  19. sugarcat1997:

    Did yang really have to wear that yellow dress?

  20. shadic381:

    yep i agree with yuckn fully hello kitty and powerpuff girls ripofff…this episode makes u say wtf

  21. raddada100:

    @YucknDax64 AND Happy Tree Friends too!!

  22. IncredibleArceus1:

    its like powerpuff girls mixed with hello kitty

  23. Ikazey:

    its like the rip off of everything