Самые смешные коты и кошки !
23 Мар 2012г.
Here the Russian version. from «Леди и Бродяга».
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OMG LIONS!!! Yeah, those cats are really lions and I totally did not steal the title of this video off of the opening scene. Anywho, I rushed this video together to get it up on the release date of the game. I’m going to be following a similar format to HG/SS but I’m changing some stuff up. The other thing I’d like to discuss is the contest I’m running for this walkthrough. Comment, thumbs up, favorite the video and you can be eligible to be randomly picked to win the part. I do something for some of the winners, again at random, and then one lucky person will get my copy of Pokemon White at the very end of the walkthrough. This is something I’m just doing as a way of thanks for your viewership. Other than that, if you’re new to my videos, welcome to my insane world of insanity. Special Thanks to XeroDragon12 for use of the image in the intro, I was actually scrambling for images because my artist hasn’t been around recently so that really helped. Video Question: What is your favorite 5th gen Pokemon? Thank You and Enjoy! Visit my YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com Visit my Facebook at www.facebook.com Visit my Twitter at twitter.com Visit the SS Forums at www.superskarmory.net
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Remember to leave a like, or the cats will find you. www.youtube.com Ze and I play this crazy game. Ze’s Channel: www.youtube.com Store page: store.steampowered.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Как дать кошке таблетку.
Video Rating: 5 / 5