Rossini Cat Duet Pauline Tinsley Elizabeth Vaughan


To celebrate Pauline Tinsley’s recent 80th birthday — Rossini’s Cat Duet. Elizabeth Vaughan (in the dark dress) joins her at a WNO gala in 1996.

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24 комментария на “Rossini Cat Duet Pauline Tinsley Elizabeth Vaughan”

  1. TheAKHIL1707:

    Yep! That’s what we need! A house full of cats and a couple of old ladies.

  2. JR120489:

    WOOF WOOF WOOF *whole orchestra runs off stage in a mad scramble*

  3. Namofagasaili:

    Awesome, kind hard to make out the

  4. Green4219:

    this is gangster and metal

  5. Nicanor5:

    Here it goes: miau, miau miau, miau miau miau… miaaaaaaau

  6. fiddler927:


  7. ekvk120608luv:

    BRAVO! This is awesome!

  8. butterflygirl134:

    well at least i knew what they’re talking about 😛

  9. CelloVoice:

    I’m curious about the arrangement.. Who is the creator? 🙂 And I’m speaking about the arrangement, not about the composer! 🙂

  10. valioprea18:


  11. gcampa:

    ahora veo que Freddie no innovó tanto como creía, con su Delilah…

  12. guitarsami:


  13. missnino0220:


  14. pug1gun:

    haha bravo

  15. realzoomy:

    Hahaha, brilliant!

  16. AminaBellini:

    wow…. fantastic!!! both of them!!!!

  17. Ilovemyoldguitar:

    meow, meow etc, or italian, miaow, miaow or miaou, miaou if your cat is French

  18. Daphnegirl93:

    Lolz! I thought they’d scratch each others’ eyes out at the end! 😀

  19. Strav9:

    can somebody tell me the lyrics?

  20. AllDaySingers:

    and wikipedia is NEVER wrong.

  21. AllDaySingers:

    and wikipedia is NEVER wrong.

  22. AllDaySingers:

    and wikipedia is NEVER wrong. I

  23. ztifitztif:

    this is not actually written by rossini.. its by G. Berthold.. from wikipedia..

  24. SuperBagpus:

    Fantastic, …xx Pauline you are my idol.. xx happy belated birthday.!